Right back at ya, Val!
Kristin, that is
news about your wee cousin! Good on her!
Laga, I'm tickled to death about your You-and-Mom standup comedy plan. I can't even imagine doing that - wow. Go Team Laga Family.
Meanwhile, in mememe news I have (1) achieved Batslash T-shirt; (2) achieved Buffy Season 8 Book 1; (3) achieved 'Good Calories, Bad Calories' by Gary Taubes, a book examining the conflicting ideologies of Low Fat and Low Carb, about which Herself has been fervent in her praise over in LJ land. Thus far it seems
Also, I've eaten sensibly and although I didn't go to the gym, I did spend more than 2 hours walking briskly around malls (and I do mean briskly), and do in fact feel rather like I had a workout. So it's all good!
OTOH, evey time I tried to post as much last night, my stolen internet connection refused to play ball. Since I woke up at 3.30am, I thought I'd have another crack - and there we are! Internet!
Also, Good Morning from Thailand!
Nora, did you read we may have to cross picket lines to take our trains?
Strike sure is in the air, eh?
googling "batslash t shirt" only yields stuff like
..... The broad chest was covered with a black t-shirt, his legs covered in black jeans, and well worn black work ...
achieved Batslash T-shirt
Yes, pictures.
Last night I had this unexpected urge to travel internationally and as I was thinking of where I wanted to go, my brain yelled THAILAND. Silly me took a little while before going YES - Thailand = Fay. Yes!!!
Now I just need a passport, money, and time off.
The dog chewed through the telephone line to the modem. The dog is on The List.
Now I really, really want to threadsuck all of Bitches since Ginger's dog arrived just to see exactly how many improbable things he has eaten.
Yay Kristin's cousin! Also, yay non-leaky shoes for Susan! And I'm sorry Zappos disappointed you. How utterly frustrating.
I am made of gronk today. Matilda wrestled furiously with my hair from 12:30 to 1:30 this morning, then woke up screaming. It took another hour, and a dose of baby Motrin, to get her back down. I'd say I feel stupid with the lack of sleep, but really stupid would at this point be a vast improvement.
I wanna go to Thailand! But I'm conflicted because my tourist dollars would go to a country that condones child prostitution. (as if I could afford travel to the far east anyway)
I feel stupid with lack of sleep. I have class tonight (second night). I still don't have a book, evidentally the shipment got lost.
I'm dreading going to class but only because I'm sooo sleepy. I like the professor, this is the only class he teaches (like my previous instructor) HOWEVER! he is vastly different. The class is Intro to Computers. There is no final. There are 5 tests, portions of which are open note, if material is not covered in the lecture it will not be on the test. He said he's not going to waste his time reading through the book to pick out answers we'll probably just get wrong anyway.
He really knows his stuff when it comes to computers, unlike the woman I took the class from back in the early 90s who was obviously just barely above the learning curve of the class. I don't think I earned any bonus points but I definitely surprised him when he started talking about Amigas and I raised my hand and said I'd used them before. (back in the early 90s when I dated a guy who had one).
Oh and we have to do a Power Point presentation (he said "on anything" but I'm sure there are more parameters) but we don't have to present it, just save to disc and turn into him.
We aren't actually doing a presentation in class. He said too many students got flustered and anxious so we just turn it into him. I'm actually thinking about doing it on the Writers Strike.