One time we found some "test your dog's IQ" silliness and decided to test Abbey. One stunt involved throwing a blanket over your pooch and then timing how long it took her to find her way out from under there. We tossed a blanket over Abbey and she looked around a little (we could see her head turning under the blanket) then lay down and as far as we could tell, went to sleep. My friend said, "I guess she likes it under there."
(she aced all the other tests)
Suzi, those are really pretty!
not fair. I'm having a hankering for cheese cake. Not only do I not have any on hand.... I'm also trying to avoid the sugar stuffs.
Ooooh, very pretty, Suzi!
This sick for a week thing is getting O-L-D.
I fell asleep at 9:30 and woke up at 2:00. I'd really like to go back to sleep as, hello, have to work tomorrow.
Anyone up?
Hey Trudy, I'm still awake here in SoCal
Not quite tired enough to fall back asleep. Feh.
If I were in California it would be a much more reasonable time to not fall asleep.
I'm watching season 4 of Angel. I really should get to bed soon, as I have a *very* long day tomorrow.
your tuesday gonna be murder too?