oh that's awesome!
Goodbye and Good Riddance 2007: Heaven's Just a Funky Moose
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Oh, and 2007? Don't think we've forgotten about you.
Well, this year was filled with both the good and the bad. The bad mostly consisted of disappointments (not getting accepted into the MLS program I applied to, not staying on the diet/exercise program I was on and gaining back about 20 pounds since mid-summer). But, the big thing is the company reorganizing that they have a tendency to do every five-ten years. We've already had some layoffs and some announced eliminations of jobs, and my department is still on edge trying to figure out what they're going to do with us.
However, the good was very good indeed! I (originally) lost about 65 pounds, so I'm still down 45 pounds for the year, and will be going back on my exercise regime this weekend, my cat's healthy and now possesses a mouth full of clean teeth, my mother is slowly recovering from losing her husband 15 months ago, my sister is now happily married (and the wedding went off with barely a hitch), and my nephew will hopefully be attending college next fall out here in Chicago.
I started working a part-time job at B&N that has done me a world of good, both financially (the extra $60-75 a week really comes in handy!) and mentally (getting out and interacting with people does give me a boost). And, speaking of financial issues, I just learned that there will be a nice-sized check being sent to me as a family investment dividend that will help with my bills! It's a huge weight off my shoulders to know that those will be taken care of, and that I can take afford to take a class or two at the local community college to add to my resume.
My goals for the next year are to get back to the exercise routine, take those classes, and try and reconnect with some friendships that I've let slide in recent months. In the past year, I've been able to rebuild the family connections that I had ignored for some time prior, so I have hopes for the friends.
This year was up-and-down, but it has ended well. I started the year very tired and anemic and all kinds of sick, but that was taken care of by having a hysterectomy in March. The surgery slowed me down for a few months, but the upside was no more of the I-Don't-Want-To-Talk-About-How-Bad-It-Was pain. Also up, the DH got a couple of lucrative writing gigs, and in the beginning of the year we got to pay back family loans which had been hanging over our heads for a couple of years and that felt wonderful. I also gained back some of the weight I lost a couple of years ago, and am cross about that. I did not get any real writing done this year--doubts and laziness and fear got in the way, and that is the major downside of this year.
The highlight of 2007 was buying a house, which I am still giddy over. Next year--back to roller skating, lose the weight, learn how to garden since we finally have a yard, and finish the damn play, doubts be damned.
I don't want to do a year wrap-up yet because the year ain't over yet. *g*
I did however put my secret Santa box in the mail today, so go me!
I have braved the Post Office and my package is on it's way.....somewhere. Mwah-ha-ha!!!
mine too.
I haven't even begun to shop for my secret santa gift. Right now I'm just trying to get my shit together so that I'm ready to leave for Toronto tomorrow, and then I have to help make sure we've got our shit together for the XXXMas Party tonight.
make sure we've got our shit together for the XXXMas Party tonight
That would mean having several digital cameras capturing the fun for those unable to attend.
I'm bummed that I decided not to participate in the Secret Santa exchange this year. I mean, I decided it for good reasons, but I can still be bummed about it. Waiting to see who my gifter would be and waiting to find out if my giftee enjoyed their gift... well, it always made the year for me. Good times.
And because I don't think to say it enough, I'm extremely grateful for this community and the people in it. I feel honored and blessed to share in the moments of your lives that you all choose to post about. Thank you for being here.
We love you too, Nicole.