Not to be confused with a boob lacker.
Which makes me wonder if there's such a thing as a boob lacquer.
Wash ,'Serenity'
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Oh, and 2007? Don't think we've forgotten about you.
Not to be confused with a boob lacker.
Which makes me wonder if there's such a thing as a boob lacquer.
boob lacquer
20 day old breast milk?
Okay, that was gross.
Dog practice? Sounds like something neat & interesting!Theo, it IS. I'm really psyched about it; pun totally intended. Since I'm always using dog training techniques on my therapy clients and coaching techniques in the dog park, it only made sense to do I'm branching off into pet coaching. ( The new year finds me developing a partnership with the largest pet store on the Hill (workshops during their monthly Yappy Hours) and other exciting networking things.
My plan for world domination is that some folks will come for their dogs and stay for themselves. The bottom line? Life improves for everyone in the 'hood...especially Bartleby's playmates.
I love it when a plan comes together.
Yeah, especially because I've noticed where "pet behavior problems" are actually owners who could use some behavioral coaching themselves. (And yes, neighbors with the extremely yappy and ill-behaved dogs, you're doing no better with the poor child who lives with you....)
Now I want to go to Yappy Hour with my Sassy...
I still have not assembled my slacker gift but I plan to do so on Sunday.
UPS has informed me that my slackee's gift should arrive sometime today, so I'm pouncing on this thread every time there's a new post and fretting every time it's not my slackee.
And I forgot to mention much earlier that the lovely deep burgundy Santa hat Matt sent me in '06 got a lot of wear right before Christmas '07. I love it so, so much! Distinctly festive, yet more regal and elegant than the usual stop-sign red hats. Well played, Professional Artist With A Strong Sense of Color, well played!
2007 - You are 11 days gone and I still have a hard time summing you up. It was a rough one, but there were some highlights. Mom got a good kidney. I finally finished school. The kids did well. So for me, I guess I can't complain too much. You did mess with some of my friends pretty severely, but that is behind us now. Right?
2008 - You are still a wee babe, but I'm liking you so far. You are dangling some wonderful opportunities in my face and making me feel more optimistic than I have in a long while. Please to continue in this positive vein.
Amen on 2008, Suzi. Amen.
And bonny, the doggie practice sounds wonderful! What a great confluence. I can't wait to see your web pages!
And yes, neighbors with the extremely yappy and ill-behaved dogs, you're doing no better with the poor child who lives with you....
These people = why I'm doing this.
Now I want to go to Yappy Hour with my Sassy...Come on down!!
2008 - You are still a wee babe, but I'm liking you so far. You are dangling some wonderful opportunities in my face and making me feel more optimistic than I have in a long while. Please to continue in this positive vein.
Yes 2008, I agree. Only, for my part, could we continue with a lot less snot and omgIfeelikedirt? That would be great, thx.
I can't wait to see your web pages!oooh. Thanks. I'd appreciate any comments! When I went to do my presentation at the pet store (with a whopping fever), I discovered something on their monitor I could not see on my own. Nothing too embarrassing, but still. ugh.
Ooh I think I just found the perfect thing for my giftee. But I don't want to send just one thing. But this thing won't ship well with others. I may be sending more than one package!