Hey, rookie. Gimme a quarter. Just kidding.
'Beneath You'
Goodbye and Good Riddance 2007: Heaven's Just a Funky Moose
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Oh, and 2007? Don't think we've forgotten about you.
So, 2007. Looking back, all I can see is The Biggie, which was moving in with The Boy at the beginning of December. But that followed months of discussion and hard work on renovations, so it really feels like it took up almost half the year.
Moving hasn't been easy, and we're both still adjusting to it (and each other), and there are many, MANY renovations yet to be done, but I'm still unspeakably happy that I get to come home every day to this amazing man whom I love so much it's scary, who seems to love me back just as much.
I know more than just moving happened, but the move was so huge and life-changing, it's telescoped everything out of proportion.
I didn't make it to the F2F, but I did get to go to San Francisco at the end of the summer and see Buffistas there. I also got to see Liese when she was in town in November, and SA when she was here in early summer, and possibly other Buffistas who I'm forgetting in a shameful yet not surprising memory lapse.
2007 was good to me, and I hope 2008 will be the same way, for me AND for all my Buffistas.
2007 was a year of big changes.
I finally got a cell phone!!
Oh, yeah, and I changed careers and moved across the country. Leaving academia was one of the most difficult decisions I’ve ever had to make, but it looks to have been a good one for a number of reasons:
--it has allowed me to finally live in San Francisco, which I have been dreaming about for years
--it gave me a career that I have more control over, with a higher probability of success and great co-workers to boot
--it forced me to end an unhealthy relationship that I had begun at the start of the year
--it got me that much further from my controlling sister and hopefully on the way to a more healthy relationship
--it affords me more free downtime so I’m finally able to read for pleasure again
--and, last but not least, it allows me to read and participate more regularly on b.org
In fact, it was the very existence of the buffistas that made this decision so much easier than it might have been. Not only did I know I would have a place where I could continue to intelligently discuss my areas of research and interest, film especially, but I also knew I was moving to an area with a multitude of blinvisible friends. To the astonishment of my new co-workers, my first weeks here were filled with brunches, lunches, and concerts with a variety of people. I can’t thank the SFistas enough for being so welcoming!
So, although the year is ending on a bit of a sad note with me being sick through much of December and continuing budget issues (unplanned hospital bills, discovering that my federal withholding was screwed up so the tax refund I thought I was getting evaporated), I look forward optimistically to 2008. In particular:
--holding an Oscar Party that doesn’t go past midnight
--participating in Buffista secret santa, finally!
--a vacation that doesn’t involve visiting family or friends
--getting in better shape
--actually having a date, or two
Happy New Year to all, and to all a good-night!
2007 can bite me. And end already. I'm spending the evening (after I get home from work around 11) alone but I have spicy sausage and greens and 15 kinds of beans (black-eyed-peas included) to keep me company. And I've got to say being alone is far far better than being with my sister's husband. I'm thankful that 2007 saw his vacating the house. Now if he would just vacate my life.
C'mon 2008! I know you can do better!
A year in which women like Erin and Vortex got no action is a year that should hang its head in shame.This. And in general, I'm so sorry that so many people had such a shit year.
2007 was a pretty good year for me. The year had its downs (losing the Miracleborns to geography being one of the big ones), but it served me pretty well overall. First year that I neither moved nor changed jobs in several years past, so that made it pretty awesome all by itself. Living with ND has been wonderful (a year and a half already!), and my job--despite ups and downs--has been really good. I am deeply grateful for my beloved family and friends and feel lucky every day to have had the rare opportunity to control-alt-delete my life a few years back and have come out on the other side a happier person. Life with ND just keeps getting better, so I have high hopes for 2008.
Cheers, loves! Here's to a wonderful new year!
My bob is pretty cute.
::vouches for this::
We're heading over to megan's house right now! For dessert...all the xmas treats lying around the house including the candy apple that's bigger than Vortex's breast.
Matilda is in her monkey jammies. I'll ferry Lee over first, then come back and collect JZ, baby and Scola.
Another year of "Well, I'm not dead yet." Certainly 2007 was better than 2006 for me, so that's a good thing. Moved to a new (bigger) city, found a job pretty quickly, but put on 30 pounds because said job is both stressful and sedentary. Stayed employed the whole year, yay! Still fighting depression on and off, but stayed busy enough that insomnia hasn't been a problem. Paid off some loans and had enough money left over to buy myself a new computer (the first in seven years) this Christmas. May 2008 continue the trend towards improvement!
My thanks to all you Buffistas, for keeping me interested and entertained when little else could.
well, 2008 is starting as 2007, nookie less. I tried! I hung with the gay boys (including the bisexual marine who I was flirting with shamelessly, but he had a boy for the moment), and left them to find straight boys, but was thwarted because the straight bars closed early (as in the regular time on a weekday). AND I tried to get on the train at 2:15, to save a few bucks, and it was closed too. THWARTED AND DENIED.
I kissed a girl, but she ran out on me. She gave me a friend's business card. hmm.
well, 2008 is starting as 2007, nookie less. I tried! I hung with the gay boys
See, starting the evening out this way was clearly where your plan for nookie went wrong. I opted not to hang out with the gay boys last night, and consequently ended up nookie-less as well. We should have traded plans.