Damn, I thought I could edit the name. Small Purple Justice would've been fantastic. I had put in Keith as a placeholder and now I can't change it.
Spike ,'Same Time, Same Place'
Goodbye and Good Riddance 2007: Heaven's Just a Funky Moose
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Oh, and 2007? Don't think we've forgotten about you.
Is it a bad thing that I read "Small Purple Justice" and think "That'd be a killer name for a drink!" Dunno what it'd have in it but it'd be small, purple and leave your head ringing in the morning. Mmm...
Well, 2007. You were an extraordinary year.
You gave land to me, who doesn't really believe in the concept of land ownership. You built me (mostly) a new house, when I thought I'd always be a vagabond. You gave me the legacy of my grandmother's hands, the generosity of my parents, the kindness of friends and strangers alike to make it happen. Thanks for that.
You also took my father's health. You took the life of a dear friend by means of rapid stomach cancer. You paved the road with struggle for my students, current and former. Probably future, too, now that I think about it. What's up with that?
You were capricious, but open-hearted. And in the end, if I spend 2008 in the house that 2007 built, I will not complain. My life is extraordinarily good right now, if mildly crazymaking. That's a trade-off I'll make any day of the week.
Oh, yeah, and you gave the Colts a Superbowl. Doubt if your counterpart's going to do that this year. And don't get me started about Cleveland.
2008, I hope you bring me many happy days in my new home with my SO. I hope you bring health to my family and joy to my friends. I hope you let me freaking breathe a little bit. I hope you allow me to survive a whole summer's worth of camp. I hope 2008 brings me harvest from my gardens, metaphorical and otherwise.
Oh 2007...how annoying were thee. So many up and downs I still don't know which way I'm standing. I could be in Duluth for all I know.
The year started out eh, what with still reeling from Joe's sudden employment loss in November, but the holidy season in and of itself was wonderful thanks to my beautiful online friends.
A wonderful trip to Michigan in January reconnected us with friends and I got to spend what would be my last day with my grandmother.
February lulled me into a false sense of security.
March was The Bad. Lost my beloved grandmother and my (not so) beloved job within 24 hours of each other. While the latter was a loss of livlihood, the former was the loss of a soulmate and friend and champion and I still ache for her every single day. I didn't and have't talked much about my relationship with ny gram since she died. And I wonder if I'll ever be able to.
So, with theings being of the Not Great, we up and left all that was familiar and warm and moved BACK to where it was uchartered and fucking cold - Michigan.
And here we've been for almost EIGHT MONTHS. Doesn't seem possible, and yet...
It hasn't all been horrible, but it hasn't been as good as we'd hoped, but it keeps getting better.
Of course, just to keep us humble, there was the Christmas Fire of 2007. Yay.
Maybe by 2011 we'll have it sorted.
Happy Riddance of 2007! May 2008 be a teeny bit better.
Was there a 2007? I was so busy I missed it.
Let's see...it more or less started with an RPG hitting about 10 meters from my husband's office. Any year that starts with us having to send emails that say "I'm okay, the RPG didn't kill anyone" is going to be interesting.
Mallory turned 2 and kind of started talking. In 4 languages (English, Greek, Tagalog, and Boolish), so we could never understand him. I got a very cool job with a nice salary and benefits. Then I got to fly for 17+ hours by myself with a 2yo, to end up alone in front of a Tysons apartment building at night with no phone.
Once back in the States I attempted to set a land speed record for Most Mexican Food Consumed, gained almost 2 dress sizes, and still haven't recovered.
But, in like a lion out like a lamb seems to pertain: We're now living comfortably and safely in a decent house, Mal is healthy and has friends, we are surrounded by friends and loved ones, and prospects are good.
And, let's not forget, 2008 is an election year.
It's occured to me that my 2007 was kind of like Buffy Season 7.
A few good bits, but mostly rubbish.
It's that time, huh? If I'm going to say goodbye to 2007, best to do it now, I guess.
I want to say 2007 treated me like the runt of the litter, and it did kick and smack a lot more often than anyone deserved. There were the ever-popular Money Problems, and a Big Car Problem, and a certain sixteen-year-old's determination to screw up his education in new and extreme ways. A book I was really proud of writing has been shunted into a kind of no-man's land due to a certain publisher's eyes being bigger than its stomach, and a friendship I valued and depended on crashed and burned pretty spectacularly.
But. I got a job with people I like, even if the job itself sucks most of the time. (And it does, you know, provide some additional income, so there's that.) I finished writing two books. I found a frighteningly addictive new obsession new fandom, and indulged myself in it. I went to San Francisco courtesy of Lee and got to squee and flail with some of my favorite people on earth. I made some new friends, and got to know some old ones better. My kids are healthy and my husband is a big cutiehead who supports everything I do, and still knows just how to talk me off the ledge.
So 2007 had its high points, for sure. I'd just like 2008 to aim a little higher.
It's occured to me that my 2007 was kind of like Buffy Season 7.
A few good bits, but mostly rubbish.
If Ann Arbor collapses in to a giant infernal sinkhole, I'm blaming you.
Ah, 2007. Before I prettify myself for kicking it out the door, let's see what it brought me.
2007 was the Year of the Car. Rather, of no car. I get my car back, all legal and tagged and good to go on Wednesday, which means I didn't have a car for all of 2007. Which sucked beyond the telling of it.
Money is still a constant worry, but it is better. I hope 2008 is the year I finally get a chokehold on my finances.
I cut off 9 inches off hair in August. My bob is pretty cute.
The closest I got to romance was shacking up in NYC, and it wasn't even the full horizontal limbo, dammit.
I got to go to New York, which was fun, even tho it was a work trip, and I spent a fabulous weekend with my girlfriends in the cutest cabin in the woods with a hot tub. 2008 brings a dear friend's wedding in edona, with will be fun.
All in all, I worked very hard in 2007, but I slacked off on some important things, because of other stresses. I hope to be a better teacher this year, and stay on top of my fricking grading and lesson plans. I also want to take a yoga class to get my back from being a giant ouch tenseness, and go on the pill to keep the communists from turning me into a giant, slavering Ball of Rage and Pain.
Oh, and I'd like a Romance. Or at least some action.
And for my folks to continue healthy. Please, dog.
Oh, and I'd like a Romance. Or at least some action.