Foreign affairs wise, at least Hilary is known to the international community and probably doesn't trigger guffaws of disbelief.
Don't think Edwards or Obama would trigger guffaws of disbelief either. I think there is too much focus on "what kind of person is this?". Are they honest. Are the phony? Are the authentic? And you know all the evidence is that this is really hard to judge. People who claim they can judge this, when given the opportunity in controlled studies mostly show that they can't. They best predictors are: what have people actually done? What do they say they will do? What are the positions of their main advisers?
I understand the impulse to support Hillary Clinton. She is smart, charismatic, and has some really hateful people as enemies. She probably is highly respected abroad. But the U.S. image abroad won't be changed by what kind of person the next President is. Given that we are guilty of aggressive war, mass detention of innocent civilians, along with "disappearing" and torture, the U.S. will only recover its reputation with words, rather than deeds. We really can't afford a hawk as the President following Bush.
For anyone else who's missing their Stephen Colbert fix during the strike: [link]
I started a fight between a dba and a system dev person and I think I just made a suggestion that they'll both hate equally.
I think my head is going to explode.
There are certain words I will never associate with coworkers. Nude is one of them.
People seem to have stopped tracking in the fight. Hrm.
Edwards supporter here...if you've seen him speak personally, he seems very real. What seems like too much for TV is actually his real wattage, I think.
I like Obama, although some of his missteps are a little embarrassing lately.
I actually like Dennis Kucinich quite a lot, despite him being kind of magnetism-free(which he is so consistent about, it's almost his own magnetism.Policy-wise we agree a lot.)
Personally, I like HRC, but I liked her a lot more before she decided that everyone should, and What Gud Said.
Mike Huckabee has been very charming on TDS, and I always think I like him until I look at his actual politics. Then not so much.
I made the mistake of voting for him years ago, as he managed to conceal his opportunism, crookedness, and contempt for the people who elected him while he was the minority party lieutenant governor. But a governor that will publicly disparage the people of the state he's in charge of at the convention where he's supposed to represent them to curry favor from national level party bigwigs will never get my support.
I don't guess I find McCain scary, exactly--he's just managed to fritter away every bit of respect I had for him back in 2000.
This is me. Until he voted to let Bush have political prisoners detained and torturedinterrogated indefinitely, I might have voted for him in a Clinton v. McCain race. But he's spent the last 3 years pissing away every bit of integrity he possessed in pursuit of the nomination.
My feeling about Giulliani amounts to "Oh well, at least it'll probably be a gay-friendly police state."
Do you think there's any country where the politicians are actually nice people and not corrupt gobshites/bugfuck crazy?
Unlikely. Anyone who wants power enough to become a politician probably shouldn't be trusted with that power.