Mal: I call you back? Wash: No, Mal. You didn't. Zoe: I take full responsibility, cap.

'Out Of Gas'

Natter 55: It's the 55th Natter  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

Jesse - Dec 28, 2007 10:16:34 am PST #9531 of 10001
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

Now I'm sitting here hoping my family doesn't actually call me to join them for dinner tonight. I'm sure it would be fun, but I'd kind of be crashing a family event, and I don't even have my cousin's Xmas gift with me to give to her, so we'll have to get together again soon anyway. What I really want to do is leave work early-ish and go to Trader Joe's and buy fancy cheese and coffee and whatnot.

Lee - Dec 28, 2007 10:21:37 am PST #9532 of 10001
The feeling you get when your brain finally lets your heart get in its pants.

YAY for very little job left, msbelle!

lisah - Dec 28, 2007 10:24:28 am PST #9533 of 10001
Punishingly Intricate

I used my Christmas bonus to pay down one of my credit cards.

I was hoping to do this but then, of course, had a big car repair to pay for. Stupid keeping the universe (as it relates to me financially) in balance.

Tom Scola - Dec 28, 2007 10:29:46 am PST #9534 of 10001
Mr. Scola’s wardrobe by Botany 500

I'm home! What am I forgetting to pack?

msbelle - Dec 28, 2007 10:31:35 am PST #9535 of 10001
I remember the crazy days. 500 posts an hour. Nubmer! Natgbsb

toothbrush, pjs, underwear, socks, hat, light jacket, cord for laptop/phone, camera, book, gum

Jesse - Dec 28, 2007 10:32:31 am PST #9536 of 10001
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

Quart-sized plastic bag.

Sophia Brooks - Dec 28, 2007 10:34:02 am PST #9537 of 10001
Cats to become a rabbit should gather immediately now here


Tom Scola - Dec 28, 2007 10:35:31 am PST #9538 of 10001
Mr. Scola’s wardrobe by Botany 500

Quart-sized plastic bag.

I have no liquids!

Jesse - Dec 28, 2007 10:37:35 am PST #9539 of 10001
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

You never know!!

PS: How do you have no liquids??? I guess if you're staying in a hotel, you don't need to bring your own shampoo, but do you use no other products?? Fascinating. The ways of men.

Trudy Booth - Dec 28, 2007 10:46:33 am PST #9540 of 10001
Greece's financial crisis threatens to take down all of Western civilization - a civilization they themselves founded. A rather tragic irony - which is something they also invented. - Jon Stewart

de-dedding pills for all the cute you're going to see