Do you know what else has blood in it? Blood.

Spike ,'Sleeper'

Natter 55: It's the 55th Natter  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

-t - Dec 27, 2007 9:50:31 am PST #9382 of 10001
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

I definitely would have noticed a Hellmouth, so I'll say no to that, but Mothra might have slipped past me.

bon bon - Dec 27, 2007 9:52:58 am PST #9383 of 10001
It's five thousand for kissing, ten thousand for snuggling... End of list.

What are the conflicting things you've heard, out of curiousity?

Rather more about whether it's kind of an agricultural town or more like wine country.

Jesse - Dec 27, 2007 9:55:31 am PST #9384 of 10001
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

When I worked for a tiny non-profit, they had a policy of the office being closed for that week and it was a great decision.

Ditto and ditto. Although, last week I found out about a 1/3 deadline, so I'd have to do some work this week anyway.... Although I'm scared to do the 15 minutes of work on it that should get done today, because then I'll really have nothing to do.

-t - Dec 27, 2007 9:56:08 am PST #9385 of 10001
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

More agricultural than wine, definitely. Unless it's changed quite a bit in the last 10 years.

Daisy Jane - Dec 27, 2007 9:56:58 am PST #9386 of 10001
"This bar smells like kerosene and stripper tears."

When I worked for a tiny non-profit, they had a policy of the office being closed for that week and it was a great decision.

That would rock! I'm getting a little work done, but our clients have been 70% no shows today. I heard no one showed up for their appointments on Monday.

§ ita § - Dec 27, 2007 9:57:56 am PST #9387 of 10001
Well not canonically, no, but this is transformative fiction.

We have big stuff happening the 4th and 5th, so the theory of being open this week is a good one.

It's the practice, where no one else is here to answer my questions, that sucks.

Daisy Jane - Dec 27, 2007 10:00:14 am PST #9388 of 10001
"This bar smells like kerosene and stripper tears."


msbelle - Dec 27, 2007 10:01:28 am PST #9389 of 10001
I remember the crazy days. 500 posts an hour. Nubmer! Natgbsb

Well I finished the big personal thing I need to do today and am making progress on my 101 list.

For work I have made progress on 4 work tickets and have semi-taught my boss and co-worker some stuff. I need to call a client, or maybe I can email them and get what I need.

-t - Dec 27, 2007 10:03:21 am PST #9390 of 10001
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

Re: Chico - my perspective on it as a penniless grad student may not be entirely accurate, so that's the skew to correct for with my opinions.

Daisy Jane - Dec 27, 2007 10:07:20 am PST #9391 of 10001
"This bar smells like kerosene and stripper tears."

I am now forced to Buff Dive.