Saffron: You just had a better hand of cards this time. Mal: It ain't a hand of cards. It's called a life.


Natter 55: It's the 55th Natter  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

Daisy Jane - Dec 27, 2007 8:13:54 am PST #9355 of 10001
"This bar smells like kerosene and stripper tears."

I'm mostly just feeling sorry for myself because H is leaving this weekend. He, K and I have been friends for over 15 years and never not lived in the same city except for when K moved to Virginia, and H and I...didn't handle it well.

I moved to Texas and within 2 years, the both of them were out here with me.

On the bright side-free place to stay in Sydney! Plus internets! We'll still keep in touch!

Allyson - Dec 27, 2007 8:15:05 am PST #9356 of 10001
Wait, is this real-world child support, where the money goes to buy food for the kids, or MRA fantasyland child support where the women just buy Ferraris and cocaine? -Jessica

Am at work. Much to do before I leave for New York tomorrow.

Edible Snowglobes!!!!

bon bon - Dec 27, 2007 8:17:00 am PST #9357 of 10001
It's five thousand for kissing, ten thousand for snuggling... End of list.

Hey, who knows anything about Chico, California? Bob is interviewing for a job there and I have heard conflicting things.

Aims - Dec 27, 2007 8:18:22 am PST #9358 of 10001
Shit's all sorts of different now.

Hey, who knows anything about Chico, California?

Emeline's godfather grew up there. I could ask him if you'd like.

juliana - Dec 27, 2007 8:19:50 am PST #9359 of 10001
I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I miss them all tonight…


Strip clubs in California--18 or 21?

Depends on the club: topless = alcohol = everyone must be 21. Full monty = no alcohol = everyone must be 18.

Persons under 21 may not be employed during business hours in or on that portion of any premises that are primarily designed and used for the sale and service of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises [BPC 25663]. This refers to any activity, not just the sale and service of alcohol. However, person’s 18 to 21 years of age may perform as musicians in such establishments if no live lewd acts are allowed on the premises and if no alcohol is allowed in the musicians’ performance area [BPC 25667].

msbelle - Dec 27, 2007 8:20:20 am PST #9360 of 10001
I remember the crazy days. 500 posts an hour. Nubmer! Natgbsb

I leave for New York tomorrow.

you just passing through? or is NY the destination? did I miss something?

bon bon - Dec 27, 2007 8:23:33 am PST #9361 of 10001
It's five thousand for kissing, ten thousand for snuggling... End of list.

Emeline's godfather grew up there. I could ask him if you'd like.

That would be great!

Allyson - Dec 27, 2007 8:25:03 am PST #9362 of 10001
Wait, is this real-world child support, where the money goes to buy food for the kids, or MRA fantasyland child support where the women just buy Ferraris and cocaine? -Jessica

Passing through, hopefully. I have a layover, but I'm bracing myself for delay by saying, "I'm going to New York."

And then I'll be pleasantly surprised if it all works out and I get to Boston, where my mom and nephew will be picking me up.

Daisy Jane - Dec 27, 2007 8:25:40 am PST #9363 of 10001
"This bar smells like kerosene and stripper tears."

While I'm feeling melancholy, People Who Died

msbelle - Dec 27, 2007 8:27:45 am PST #9364 of 10001
I remember the crazy days. 500 posts an hour. Nubmer! Natgbsb

you have my number if you get stuck, right?