Buffy! If I wanted to fight, you could tell by the being dead already.

Glory ,'Potential'

Natter 55: It's the 55th Natter  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

tommyrot - Dec 25, 2007 2:14:52 pm PST #9122 of 10001
Sir, it's not an offence to let your cat eat your bacon. Okay? And we don't arrest cats, I'm very sorry.

Fudge Daleks!

NoiseDesign - Dec 25, 2007 2:14:56 pm PST #9123 of 10001
Our wings are not tired

Yeah, I've given away a couple of iPhones as gifts. It's amazing to watch people's faces when they open them.

SuziQ - Dec 25, 2007 2:18:56 pm PST #9124 of 10001
Back tattoos of the mother is that you are absolutely right - Ame

Yeah, I've given away a couple of iPhones as gifts.

Makes notes to become a close friend of ND's.

§ ita § - Dec 25, 2007 2:22:35 pm PST #9125 of 10001
Well not canonically, no, but this is transformative fiction.

My sister and I have slept most of the day. She's battling a massive cold, poor thing.

Gadget_Girl - Dec 25, 2007 2:24:04 pm PST #9126 of 10001
Just call me "Siouxsie Shunshine".

Yeah, I've given away a couple of iPhones as gifts.
Makes notes to become a close friend of ND's.

I thought I was a close friend of ND!

I'm thinking more and more the iPhone is going to be the way to go.

Lee - Dec 25, 2007 2:43:05 pm PST #9127 of 10001
The feeling you get when your brain finally lets your heart get in its pants.

Plei! You need to text me!

Once I have a signal again, I mean.

Sean K - Dec 25, 2007 2:51:03 pm PST #9128 of 10001
You can't leave me to my own devices; my devices are Nap and Eat. -Zenkitty


P.M. Marc - Dec 25, 2007 2:51:26 pm PST #9129 of 10001
So come, my friends, be not afraid/We are so lightly here/It is in love that we are made; In love we disappear

I do! But I need to enter your number in Sophia first.

Gadget_Girl - Dec 25, 2007 3:09:40 pm PST #9130 of 10001
Just call me "Siouxsie Shunshine".

the pull of the iPhone is strong.....

Lee - Dec 25, 2007 3:37:58 pm PST #9131 of 10001
The feeling you get when your brain finally lets your heart get in its pants.

It is very strong.

I do! But I need to enter your number in Sophia first.

Shall I send it to you? We can text each other inappropriate things at work!