And batshit crazy...
My friend's brother is super into him and keeps posting about him on his lj. I mostly ignore it but now my friend, persuaded by his brother I guess, is saying he might register as Repub so he can vote for Ron Paul in the primary. I'm not sure what his reasoning for this is but he's generally a super liberal and mostly logical kind of dude. So, what's Ron Paul's brand of crazy?
I read Dana's post as RuPaul and was like, "Pro-life? Guns? Huh. Never woulda guessed."
My brain thought Ron Paul was Ron Jeremy and I couldn't work out why he had anything to do with politics.
Oh now I want a Ron Jeremy RuPaul ticket!
Ron Paul strikes me as a the government shouldn't do anything but national defense type. While deregulation and limiting government sometimes pretty good ideas, I prefer a more pragmatic view.
So, what's Ron Paul's brand of crazy?
He's an extreme libertarian who wants to dismantle pretty much the entire federal government. (Like the Departments of Education and Transportation, for example. 'Cause, you know, if the free market can't provide roads and schools, who really needs 'em?)
[eta: He's also pretty rabidly anti-gay rights and anti-reproductive rights. So...yeah.]
Like the Departments of Education and Transportation, for example.
Hey, don't forget the federal reserve! We should have the gold standard and no income tax! (Because it's apparently 1913.)
He's sort of notorious in Congress for his oddball policy of voting against any legislation that's not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution.
Also ties to the militia movement, and a history of borderline racist remarks.
Ron Paul's nuttiness
When I was in Florida, one of my cousins (one I hadn't seen in about 30 years) was stumping hard for Ron Paul. I hadn't heard of him before that and this is the first I've heard his name mentioned by someone other than my cousin.
Bat. Shit. Crazy.
I'm not sure what his reasoning for this is but he's generally a super liberal and mostly logical kind of dude. So, what's Ron Paul's brand of crazy?
That's weird. Maybe he's looking at his opposition to the Patriot Act and the war in Iraq. There is also a lot of stuff about not catering to special interests that everybody says. His other stands tend not to be very liberal, repealing existing gun control, greatly weaken the FDA, greatly weaken environmental protections, withdraw from the UN, strongly pro-life, dismantling social security, and I believe dismantling Medicare although I'm not sure on that one.