People are annoying.
But not cute doggies!!
I'm packed, and it's worse than I thought. I got rid of my big suitcase years ago, so I'm bringing three bags to my parents'. Mostly full of presents, because I took no consideration of size or shape when purchasing. Like a dumbass. My clothes are totally shoved in crevices between the presents. I'm thinking I'll jettison one bag at the folks', since I don't use it much....
ION, I just realized I'm watching Lee Pace on L&O: SVU.
Scrappy, that was not very nice of your niece at all.
my favorite was THIS guy, [link] who dressed like Liberace-meets-Conan
I have never seen that guy before, but he and his leopard are AWESOME.
Gracie! Allyson! Hi. I've yet to meet the babies in person. I'm totally jealous. Maybe next week. And I think it's pretty much a given that Allyson is awesome.
I bought my first Christmas present today! And started to do the first step in moving: Threw away a bunch of things I really don't need at all.
The picture of Allyson and Grace is wonderful! But no gingerbread man pics? SAD.
Alibelle! Hi!
I'm watching Greatest Songs of the 90s with my parents, who are both asleep. Except that, whenever I make too loud a noise, Mom will wake up halfway, keeping her eyes closed and shouting, "Hello? Hello?!"
Hil! Hi!
We captioned Greatest Songs of the 90s. I worked on hour 2, which started off with "I'm Too Sexy." I also checked what the number one song was, because I was campaigning for "My Heart Will Go On," due to sheer numbers. I mean, it was the number one song in the country for, what, 987 weeks? But, sadly, it wasn't. VH1 went in a different direction. Whatever, VH1.
Hi, Kat!
I'm fascinated with Adam Duritz's hair. In the nineties, he had dreds. In the early 2000s, he still had them, but with a really obvious receding hairline, and a quite humorous bald spot in the back that we could see when he started swinging his hair around. (I saw them in concert in about 2002 or so, and we couldn't stop giggling at that.) Now, he's quite obviously mostly bald on top, with a horrible horrible wig that looks like of like a toupee made by cutting up Eddie Murphy's Buckwheat wig.
We captioned Greatest Songs of the 90s.
Focusing on the "commentary" must have been kind of a nightmare, huh?
Here's how I know I'm old: Looking at the videos, I keep thinking how young everyone looks!
Did someone link to a site where they can figure out what movie you're talking about from vaguish clues?