"Candy corn -- corn that tastes like candy. I can't wait....Son of a bitch!!"
That is what was doin' a little dance in the back of my head when I typed that. Having seen Black on The Daily Show I didn't think I could handle more than 3 minute segments of his comedy with out being annoyed. However, this Halloween my friend Catherine and I were waiting for another friend to show up and watched a stand-up special of his and I loved it!
OK. I guess being on time for work is good, but I seriously wouldn't mind sleeping all the way until my alarm goes off! Especially when I stay up until 11 like an ass.
she's also very happily bopping and shaking her wee ass to the soundtrack to That Thing You Do! I'm not filming it
JZ is meeeeeeeeeeeean!
I got a very decent night's sleep and a treated myself to a Sudafed Shower Soother this morning. My head feels much less taxidermied now.
I woke up at 5:30 today and I felt like crap. My whole body just ached. I thought about calling in sick, but after I took two ibuprofen I felt somewhat better.
So now I'm at work. Yay?
I'm awake, but still at home. I have TJ's chocolate croissants in the oven.
OMG gronk. up too late. no good reason. weather change. achy.
That lab is precious.
Shower soothers ROCK! We here at the land of snot and congestion appreciate them like no one's business.
Noah had 6 shots yesterday. I am staying home today because I just wanna.
I came in at 7:15 to get the election results in our database. But, MS and NY are being a bitch about tracking down the info (none of their newspapers are even mentioning the one question that was on each of their statewide ballots), and two of the bond questions in Maine are too close to call right now. I just hope I can find the info before 3:00 this afternoon, because I am going to be outta here then.