Or, apparently, any desire to go out of town ever? I hate that shit.
Yeah. Most of my bosses have family where they are. I'm the only one here who has to travel out of Texas to see my people. Christmas is especially hard because we have Little Brother's memorial birthday on the 22nd. I hate having to choose which one to attend.
people = stupid.
I think I should pack tonight.
mac to school
cookies to school office
meet up with parent of friend o mac
go get drug tested
library (maybe not)
cookies to two of mac's friends (if possible)
bag for afterschool teacher gifts
water plants
put out extra food and water for cats
get mac from afterschool
bus or car service to airport
Lamb sirloin: is that from the loin?
Does anyone know what the contagious time frame is for a cold? Am I right in remembering that it's before symptoms and during the first few days?
My last order just arrived from Amazon. I'm officially done with my Christmas shopping. Almost a whole week early!
Last year at this time, I hadn't even started.
Or, apparently, any desire to go out of town ever? I hate that shit.
Or commuting arrangements, or after work plans, or...
Pbbbt, Tom.
Hey msbelle, we're gonna be flying the same direction tomorrow! Unfortunately, not the same destination.
I'm mostly packed. Just stuff I will use in the morning isn't. But I've got plenty of time, flight isn't until 2. Still have to drop cat off and get cash. As is usual, I probably packed too much.
My back hurts.
Timelies all!
Bleah, I have a headache. I also need to pack for Florida. (We leave Friday morning, but G's work holiday party is tomorrow night.)
I feel like I should be packing already, but NSM. I'm sad to have to work two more days this week! And apparently work my fucking ass off, if today was anything to go by....
sara, as always I beg you to go have a burgertime burrito for me, a green chili cheeseburger, and wallow in the beauty of Mesilla.