Kat--do you still want the TV?
ita, yes! Absolutely! It's just now a matter of scheduling.
Burrell! Also scheduling!
It warmed up to 30 degrees. Now Noodle and I have taken our naps (I love vacation) and he's lying beneath the christmas tree since the tree's lights are endlessly amusing.
I am on strike. I refuse to leave the house today. Yesterday, we went to a sort of open house thing where there were: 3 grandma aged women, 1 grandpa aged man, 5 me-aged women (more or less), 2 me-aged men, 2 babies and 2 puppies. After, we had dinner at K's dad's place where there 5 couples, a six-year-old and Noah. Then we opened gifts for over an hour. No wonder he's melting down today. Too much!
Will there be under the Xmas tree pictures?
yep. there are very few noah moments undocumented.
I'm on strike too.
Actually, I am working. Hurts too much to leave the house, but I can still get stuff done. Have to. Have a hard deadline for Wednesday morning.
Upshot of the insurance shenanigans of this morning? Well, the one hospital has finally been paid off by insurance as of the end of last month, for bills that go back as far as May. The other people weren't even supposed to be billing me at all, but the hospital had never forwarded them my insurance information--hence I was in collections.
Stupid fucks. It's not like I was having *fun* or anything. Why do they have to magnify the stress?
oh ita. I am so sorry. that totally sucks.
I am so in love with that photo, Kat! Seriously, I just got all weepy eyed.
The holidays make me a mushy-faced mess.
Right now I wish I had Kat's ability to DO THINGS, especially seeing as how she's on strike right now and not using it. Me? I need it.
oh wait. not under the tree, but noah eating last night. [link]
Seriously. Put me in collections over my impulse trip back to Jamaica for my father's birthday or the corset I didn't mean to buy. At least those have a continuing upside. Hospital visits that made me freak out hysterically? Yeah. Collections unwarranted. Sure.
God forbid we should mess up the system with socialised medicine. That'd make things suck.
hospital bills are totally stressful!
enh. frankly, I am not doing anything today. entertaining the boy is about all. We have so much xmas gifts and other stuff (K's mom is moving to Texas or Louisiana in a few days... she's not sure yet of exactly where...) that we will have to ship boxes tomorrow.