My shirts, trousers, and the fifties portion of my vintage dresses need to be ironed. I used to send them out for laundry, but that's just watching money leak away.
I like my shirts. I want to be able to wear them. In theory setting up the ironing board in front of the TV and just going at it should take care of it, but I so rarely do. I got a dress and two shirts ironed last week, and that was huge, especially since I only had immediate plans to wear the dress.
I have too many clothes anyway. Laundry issues just remind me of that.
Funny how that doesn't stop me "needing" more.
At home, we have a helper who does our laundry. It's weird stepping back into that culture after having left so long ago. But the upside is I don't have to wash my clothes, so I'll work at getting used to it. Though the real big payoff is not having to cook or squeeze my own oranges. Dude.
Wait, I guess having the house cleaned is big too.
Why am I here again?
I think I'm taking today off due to pain. Pisser.
I'm a little awestruck that cons, and con artists, like that are still going on.
Seriously. And the email thing was genius, you have to give him that.
M is no stranger to drama, so it's not really surprising that she can't even get conned like a normal person.
Ugh, laundry! Such a hassle. I miss have a w/d at the old apartment. I only get it done about once a month.
The line at Target wasn't that bad, all things considering.
I'm pissed, though, that I walked through the whole damn store looking for a can of WD-40, and they didn't have any. How the fuck does Target not have any WD-40?
Hey, sumi--does memory serve me rightly in that you got your guest star wish with last night's NUMB3RS?
Status report: dialing down the Elavil and dialing up the NaCl has not resulted in a noticeable lack of postural hypotension. This morning is bouncy. Time for another salt pill.
Batmobile State University
Their motto is "Teaching people things."
laundry gets done when I feel like it - all the way to the putting it away part. laundry is my goto chore if I feel I should do something around the house, but don't wanna. Which means it is rare for us to run out of clean clothes. I'm gonna have to do laundry this weekend because I am down to one basket for dirty clothes and two full of clean clothes -- logically putting away clean clothes would make sense, but that ain't gonna happen.
so far I have mailed packages today and I put stuff in the ice cream maker to make eggnog ice cream
I think the next plan is to decorate the tree while watching
Army of Darkness
Had Mom over to look at the new apartment now that I've got most of the furniture set up where I want it. Of course she fixated on all the boxes of tapes and books I'm in the process of unpacking, never mind that I've been assembling and moving furniture, nailing up pictures, and getting all my kitchenware in order for the last week. On the upside, my central living room area is basically complete and capable of comfortably seating 4 people now.
Went to holiday xmas party, got a gigantic bonus that paid for my ticket home, and all the holiday spending, got an iPod shuffle, Kristen kept me sane. Now I'm to tidy my apartment, wrap gifties, do some holiday baking, drop holiday baking off to Tim's house....oh ita? Will you be around at all tomorrow so I can drop a giftie by your place?