I have done virtually no xmas shopping.
Gift cards! Whee!!
I was so proud of myself - I thought I had everything but the wine for my wine-loving uncle purchased and winging its way to me. Got the last package today, which is a book for my mom, and I find out it's a library copy. Said book has been out of print for a while, is one of my mom's favorites, and while I never mind having discarded library books, it's not what I want to give as a gift, you know? GRUMP. (And no, the listing said nothing to that effect.)
kiva.org gift certificates
divine chocolates
stuff from esty stores
I have done virtually no xmas shopping.
Gift cards! Whee!!
Where's the best place to pick up a dozen lumps of coal?
Jessica, I'm so sorry for your loss.
Most of the gift cards require I go out to the stores. At least, some of them. I have to ship a box this weekend or monday. The weather is supposed to be shitty this weekend. I hate shopping. My credit card is tired.
t /brought to you by sara's annual grinchiness
This year is a charity year for me, I think. I want to do more, but I just can't see it being practical.
giftcertificates.com - [link]
I've got my nephew and parents' gifts all taken care of, but I can't think of anything to get or even anywhere to look for things for my niece, my siblings or their wives. I really have to come up with something for my niece since her brother's gifts are already in the mail and that would suck if he got his and she had to wait.
eta: I'll probably paypal my brother some $$ if I totally strike out.
I have done virtually no xmas shopping. I am so screwed.
I know this feeling! Well, if the weather isn't completely crappy on Sat. you should come down the Avenue and stop by Atomic between 12 & 8. I'll be working!