Well, that was the most pointless doctors appointment ever. Him: "Your thyroid levels are normal, see? (point at paper) You don't have to come see me again." Me: "Then why am I still feeling this horrible? And why were my levels high on the previous test?" Him: "You were only a five on the previous test. People don't show symptoms at that level." Me: "Then why was I showing symptoms? And why am I?" (note: several other doctors have said that I'm pretty obviously hypothyroid.) Him: "Thyroid symptoms are very vague. Just try to get some exercise, and don't worry about it."
I'm seeing another doctor next week.
OMG Hil, that's just maddening.
Jessica, strength to you and your family.
Hil, sometimes it's hard to see why some people are in the doctoring profession. I mean, I can tell you to feel better too, but who cares? "You shouldn't be feeling unwell therefore you aren't" is hardly worthy of the training. Not that my doctors are curing me, or anything, but at least they believe in a problem beyond the scope of their tests.
Oh, Hil. I'm so sorry. I'm really glad you're seeing another doctor, though, this is so frustrating. You know yourself best, though. Keep fighting.
That's incredibly aggravating.
Glad you have another doctor to see, Hil. Ugh.
Jessica, I'm so sorry for your loss.
Jess, much peace and strength to you and your family.
I'm seeing another doctor next week.
Good. I think your numbers may well be in the marginal zone, but I definitely know that some doctors treat in the TSH 5-10 zone. It's called subclinical hypothyroidism.
Huh. I was just looking a bit more closely at some of my blood tests. My TIBC level is consistently a bit above normal. However, my iron level is consitently toward the high end of normal. The internet tells me nothing about this. High TIBC plus low iron means anemia, but high TIBC and high iron doesn't seem to exist to the internet. I guess that, since no doctor every told me it was a problem (and since I'm a vegetarian, they always check my iron), I'll figure it's OK.