I love driving Highway 1. I'm learning to love it on the bike, but I'm still kind of white-knuckly on the grips.
I drove on Highway 1 once North of San Francisco. I was driving a '72 Mercury Monterey, which couldn't corner as well as modern cars. Once or twice I pulled over to let all the cars behind me get past. And I smelled burning rubber once.
I'll have to drive Highway 1 again in a more nimble car....
I like flying. I hate the going through security and waiting around in airports, and being squished in with other passengers is annoying, but the flying part is cool.
I like driving long distances better than short distances. Short runs are all watching for pedestrians and making the correct turns and often come with deadlines. Long runs are freeways and often not much traffic and just enough stuff I need to pay attention to keep my brain occupied enough for the rest of my brain to do some thinking.
Trains are also great as long as I am not in a hurry. I love having a train station half a mile from my house. I could walk down, hop on a train and end up in New York or Chicago or anywhere, really. This tickles my fancy in a way that cars and planes do not, somehow.
People pay good money for this at amusement parks, this is a freebie!
Some people do. Other people do not care for amusement park rides precisely because they don't consider it fun to be jostled about in a metal container. IJS.
But I don't mind the aeronautics of flying, really. I dislike flying because of crowds, inconvenience, delays, taxi-ing, security nonsense, cramped seats, bad food, crying babies, dry air, engine noise, lost luggage, baggage carousels...
I don't particularly love or hate driving, but at least the things annoying me are hardly ever in the car with me. And I love traveling by train.
classy, NYP. classy.
it's possibly i'm alone in my fear of flying. basically i just have a fear of flying and dying alone. i'm much less nervous when i'm flying with someone i know. weird, huh? i don't feel the same way about getting in a car though.
Hubby once drove Highway One in a Forest Service fire truck when he realized he'd just been passed
by one of his own wheels!
He very carefully throttled down a little and had to drive several miles till he found a place to pull over. Fortunately he had enough other wheels to cover the missing one.
Kat, the Army actually has a "we overpaid you but it would be a real hardship to pay back exception". Any chance the district has something similar?
Jesus, Kat, that's insane.
I am not my brother; he loves driving. It's just a part of my day. Sometimes it is even fun.
What in the world, Kat? That bites.
I love flying. I love driving. I love transport of pretty much all kinds. I like the idleness, watching the world fly past my windows. I like the sense of anticipation, destination, departure, arrival.
I like transitional spaces in general. Being in my van isn't being anywhere, it's just going. And sometimes I like going better than getting there.
I also like the deep conversations that it seems isn't possible to have outside of really long road trips where you've been on the highway for so long and you're road-weary and bored and you've already talked about all the normal things you can.
Then you're somehow allowed to talk about other, more esoteric things. More personal things. I love that.