my fear of being at fault in a car accident that kills or seriously injures someone, but leaves me alive and unharmed
Oh yes. I'm not even sure I could deal with it if I weren't the person at fault, especially if the person injured/killed was also not at fault.
I cannot believe all the various nominations that the Starter Wife has been getting. It was really not that good.
So far I've never had a crew member so much as look askance at me, so maybe I'm not the only one who does something like that.
I always pat the skin as I enter, for much the same reason. My only fear of flying in jets is of puking in mid-air (thank you SO much, inner ear), but I like thanking the machine in advance for getting me where I need to go in one piece. I pat my motorcycle in much the same fashion before every ride.
What really scares me is single-engine plane flying, because I do know people who have died in crashes. And yes, I know the planes are designed to stay up as long as possible, even without fuel, but they still freak me right the fuck out. Plus, the smell.
I'm not even sure I could deal with it if I weren't the person at fault, especially if the person injured/killed was also not at fault.
Part of me screams at every careless motorcyclist for just this reason. So vulnerable!
What's wrong with this picture:
Goal: To create a casserole that concentrates the fresh, simple flavors of summer vegetables.
Serves 6
The success of this recipe depends on good-quality produce.
Sure, Cook's Illustrated. I'll get right on that.
I'm not entirely sure how I'm not destroying the world right now.
Part of me screams at every careless motorcyclist for just this reason. So vulnerable!
My big fear is being first in line at a stop light where there are pedestrians and being hit from behind.
My eyes just about rolled out of my head. Of all the MSCM crazinesses, the War On Christmas may just be the one that makes me go "Whuh?" the most.
Yeah, Christianity has survived a couple of thousand years of tremendous infighting and occasional outright hostilitiy. I'm pretty sure it can take a couple of "Happy Holidays" before it shrivels and dies of it.
I love turbulence. I go "ooh! turbies!" and tighten the buckle and try not to roll my eyes at people who are getting a little rediculous* about it. People pay good money for this at amusement parks, this is a freebie! It's delightfully random. There's nothing to HIT.
Once when I was over the Andes in the middle of the night our plane did a sharp dip to the left, sharp dip to the right, sharp dip to the left and then righted its self. Really quick. The whole thing lasted maybe five seconds. It was SO COOL. I think I was one of the only awake people on the plane (so nobody was upset). I assume it was some sort of updraft off the mountains, but I sometimes picture the pilots acting like something out of a Farside cartoon.
*there is a distinction in my mind between "a little freaked" and "rediculous"
Sure, Cook's Illustrated. I'll get right on that.
ita, I had the same reaction.
But what I really came to post was PRETTY PRETTY SNOW! YAAAAAAAAAY SNOW!
I wish I had taken to day off for the wedding. My sister's home, my mom and dad are home, my brother's on his way home. And I'm stuck at work, with a boo-boo lip, being pouty, with only my ramen to look forward to.
Maybe I'll go have a smokey-treat and make a list of something.
Of all the MSCM crazinesses, the War On Christmas may just be the one that makes me go "Whuh?" the most.
Also, I mean, Christmas is not that major a Christian holiday! Go fight a frelling war on Easter, would you?