The past couple of mornings I have pulled the load from the dryer into a basket, transferred the load from the washer to the dryer, and started a new load all before walking out the door. With everything else, it's been the only way a decent amount of laundry has been done and we're all wearing clean knickers.
I have clean laundry sitting in a basket in my basement for over a week, waiting to be folded. I am wearing old, crappy underpants because I was too lazy to walk down two flights to get some nice clean ones out of the basket this morning.
And in yummy news, we have cinnamon rolls for breakfast!!
We had frozen blueberry waffles.
I have a load of towels sitting in the dryer mocking me with their unfoldiness.
I had an egg sandwich and what was supposed to be a non-fat latte - but I suspect it wasn't because I am now feeling queasy.
Thank you barista.
Of course, it could be the sandwich.
What is this list of pretty/ugly campuses?
Early morning laundry-doers scare me a little.
I am now at work, have eaten, and am trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. It does not help that we just switched to all the new MS Office stuff, so I have some emails in Outlook and some in Thunderbird, and all of them need responses, and I can barely figure out what I'm supposed to be looking at!
Susan, I can relate. I went through a few years of not just fear, but terror of flying after having to fly through a thunderstorm. And I developed my own rituals. Among them is a set of songs that I run through my head as we taxi. Ending, as we start speeding for takeoff, with "Shall We Dance?"
Golden Globe noms:
Lee Pace, Anna Friel and PD were all nominated. On the movie side, I haven't seen that many nominated films.
I have been to none of the pretty or the ugly universities. The only universities I know are Oxford (canonically pretty), McGill (pretty except when ugly) and the University of the West Indies, Mona.
Well, the fact that driving is actually far more dangerous than flying has soaked deep into my brain, as when I'm driving I'm aware that I could be killed at almost any moment, but I have no fear of accidents while I'm flying. (My big flying fear is "I hope there's no severe turbulence and I don't have to throw up.)
I dunno - maybe because I have a good understanding of aviation and its history. Modern airliners represent the culmination of many decades of expertise in their design, building upon previous generations' experiences and successes. The same can be said of flight crew training.
I suppose many people who are aware of this suffer fear of flying anyway, but... I dunno - I just find commercial aviation to be such an amazing achievement, and the odds of accident so small that it doesn't produce fear in me. Yes, accidents still happen, but they are extremely rare given the number of passenger-miles flown. Also, if you look back even to the '60s, commercial aviation accidents were far more common then. Accidents were far more frequent still (per passenger-mile flown) in the '50s when most everyone was flying piston-engine planes.
(Bah, I wrote the above without the benefit of caffeine....)
Huh, I didn't go to any of the schools on the prettiest/ugliest lists.