Fingerprinting is redone every 5 years.
Just in case you were kindapped by aliens and replaced by a remarkable -- but not quite pefrect! -- facsimile of you!! That might be teaching students about the joys of their alien overlords!
Also, generally speaking, once you have fingerprints, they're all scanned into a database. (The trend is to take the fingerprint directly into a computer, no ink, but I know that tech hasn't made it everywhere yet.) Paper fingerprint cards not databased are so incredibly not useful. Not to the education department, and not to the criminal justice people.
Sorry I spelled Kristin's name wrong! I'll try not to let it happen again.
Well, we wouldn't want people wondering what I was doing working mirror image shifts with the wrong Kristin.
This time the fingerprinting was done directly into the computer. I am amazed the technology has arrived in this area.
If some of the teachers were alien's that might explain some things. Hmmm, maybe my principal is actually an alien. Nah, I don't think they would want him, either.
Some guy at work I've never had a spoken conversation with struck up email with me because my phone's text message alert is the TARDIS whoosh. And he just kinda harshed on Firefly! Not as serious as Trek!
That's my text alert, too!
And Kirk never kicked a dude into a spaceship's engine.
And Kirk never kicked a dude into a spaceship's engine.
Nor looked so sassy in the tight pants. IJS.
God. I hope the Sarah Connor Chronicles don't suck.
Picking up a soldering iron by the wrong end (Twice! So dumb.) gave me some impressive blisters but didn't change my fingerprints. Slicing off the tip of my thumb with a kitchen knife left a noticeable scar that is just off the edge of the fingerprint area.
One of my fellow grad students dropped a hot soldering iron in his lap while we were building cables years ago. I've never seen anyone leap out of a rolling chair so quickly in my life.
Hey, does that weird cold soldering gun thing work? Do you know?
Oh, and confidential to Gadget_Girl...if you want to do the quotes thing automatically, you don't have to make your font size smaller. You can just put a > symbol by itself on a line before the text you want to quote.
Quoted text
gives you:
Quoted text