a mixture of the gorgeous and unfortunate
This is actually my favorite school of campus architecture -- I've never been a fan of Everything Matches schools. They look to me like housing developments. Or bridesmaids. But when you've got a campus that developed over time and across a range of styles, you're gonna have some stinkers...
Why does Office Depot feel housing pain? My elevator shouldn't force me to google.
Ahhh, I am already feeling the benefit of giving notice. I got out of a meeting on a new project. WHEE!
I've always found UTEP's architecture to be striking: [link]
Too bad it is in such an ugly city (nice geography, El Paso is just ugly.)
I just don't see what's so wrong with brick. When you've got building after building of concrete, yuck. But brick... it may not be pretty, but it doesn't approach the sheer ugliness of concrete.
I can't believe Ball State didn't get included in the ugliest colleges. The modern buildings on campus are all built to resemble their symbols--the library is built like a stack of books, the auditorium is shaped like a piano, the archeture building is like a art table--it's all very weird.
I think my alma mater belongs on that "most beautiful" list [link] It's been declared a national arboretum. An obsessed 19th biology professor planted every tree native to Tennessee, plus a collection of rare oak trees, on campus and his widow endowed a fund to put information signs on each tree. Whatever else you might learn there, you do walk away knowing the scientific names of many trees. It could replace Mercer, which is really nothing special.
Here's my uni's fugly library.
Dark chocolate covered almonds are of the yum!
Here's my uni's fugly library.
I like the color--though that may just be the lighting--and it would look terrific in the middle of a desert as a pueblo type thing.