I promise not to take it personally if I occasionally get "lost" in the flow. This seems like a place where I can belong.
My students (OK, and quite a few teachers) WISH we had a day or two off because of the weather. Unfortunately, today's hi was an evil 84 degrees! We have 1.5 weeks until the break. Many of the students have already checked out mentally.
With time, even the more temperamental temporal issues can right themselves. (I do understand what you mean, though!)
Hi Gadget Girl. Welcome.
There should be a reality show where a chef invades a house and makes something out of only what is already in the house.
I have a dream of recipe software that will take as input my pantry inventory and give me something delicious to make out of it. A chef coming and doing it for me would probably be better, though then I'd have a person in my house, and if I've got the house clean enough for strange chefs to be wandering in I probably have also gone grocery shopping.
I have a dream of recipe software that will take as input my pantry inventory and give me something delicious to make out of it. A chef coming and doing it for me would probably be better, though then I'd have a person in my house, and if I've got the house clean enough for strange chefs to be wandering in I probably have also gone grocery shopping.
My this week is rivalling my last week in terms of suck. But I'm glad for msbelle's news! If that's how I'm going to average out ahead, vicariously, I'll take it.
no suck for ita! I'm sorry. That's not good.
K just got mad at me because my dinner consisted of a small bowl of baby cereal (barley = the yum) and baby apples (organic! not in a jar!)
I just want someone to cook for me. I'd even keep the kitchen well stocked (it is! I just don't want to cook/fail to plan ahead, etc.)
I cannot imagine there is dinner in my immediate future. However, there is schlep, and I'd better get to it. It's not going to schlep itself.
Hi, Gadget Girl!
a small bowl of baby cereal
At least someone likes it. Now if you were eating the nast rice cereal, I'd look at you funny.
I ended up eating mashed potatoes for dinner. It was more of a "eat out of need not out of desire" situation.
I think there is some chocolate around here. Maybe that's what I want.
sara, the barley is totally of the yum!