Not laughing, Sue, no I'm not. Must've been a sight.
Only one of my parents' cats climbed the tree.
Well that was the funny thing, she didn't try to climb the tree, it was like she was trying to jump over the branches on one side. Except, since the tree is in a corner, there was nowhere to go but in (and through) the branches.
Of course, she's now lying on the desk beside me, purring. It's no skin off her nose.
It was her grand adventure!
Sometimes Devi tries to jump onto things that don't hold her. I laugh. A lot.
I just hope she doesn't try again until she succeeds!
we had a tree one year, but after we had it up and before we put up decorations, our cat slithered up into it and wouldn't come out. We tried to put up ornaments, and he knocked them off the branches. We liked the idea of a cat tree and let him keep it. It was fun to have people sitting there and staring at our bare tree, then jumping when the tree rustled.
One of my earliest childhood memories is of my grandmother's 12 foot, fully flocked tree. Every year, it was exactly the same, white flocked with three sizes of red glass balls in front of one of those 4 color gel wheels...make it very Kubrickesque.
This particular year, my father and I drove 2 hours with his cat Tuffy yowling in the back window of the car. We walked into grandmother's house and the cat ran straight up to the very top of the tree.
Timber! It went over in a sort of surreal slomo...flocking powder everywhere. Glass shards, red on one side, silver on the the other...every. damn. where. I think it took 4 or 5 hours to clean it up.
Not so merry xmas.
I had a cat knock down a Christmas tree while I was out. He then had a fine time with the ornaments, which we found under all the furniture when we moved. He also ate a lot of tinsel, and the litter box was very festive for a couple of days.
When I met my inlaws' cats, they were 18 and 19 years old and they slept roughly 98% of the time. Every once in a while, they would walk over to the tree and very slowly hit an ornament. Then they'd look embarassed.
ate a lot of tinsel
Ugh. Terrible memories of a piece of tinsel hanging out of the cat's pull or not to pull? And then? Sparkle poop. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.
I wouldn't even think about using tinsel now as a result.
I had a pull or not pull dilemma on the other end.
mac and I went to the Y tonight for our first family swim night. noodle has no body fat - 2 float worm thingies and a back float strapped around his rib cage and he still occasionally had to remember to pull his chin up the avoid his mouth going under. He has no fear of trying to swim though - just me getting too far away.
He also had his second ever dentist appt today and there were no tears or struggles like last time, also no cavities. The x-ray clearly showed 3 more teeth coming in. The second of the top front will be the next to go and the the bottom ones to the side of the front set. He is going to look so haggered mouthed.
I'm watching White Christmas, and just noticed something -- why on earth does the General blow out candles on a cake at the end? It's not his birthday! Bizarre.
Why does it even