I'm watching White Christmas, and just noticed something -- why on earth does the General blow out candles on a cake at the end? It's not his birthday! Bizarre.
I never thought about that before. That
kind of weird, isn't it? I love that movie so very much.
I made yummy coffee and am flopped on the couch.
These are sweeter than I remember. However, since I haven't actually eaten any of the batches I've made in the last year, it may be my memory at fault. Or the chocolate was sweeter. Eh. They're good cookies.
I have done four loads of laundry and my hair is cut and bleaching.
Yes, ladies and gents, ita's home.
Migraine specialist said a little birdie told him I had a party to go to tonight, and he couldn't convince the anaesthiologists to do what he wanted anyway, so Burrell came and sprung me. And took me to a pharmacy (3rd time's the charm) to boot, so I can be pain-freeish tonight.
I have a corset to wear tonight. I miss that opportunity, and fuck the terrorists, the migraines have won. And they won't, not tonight.
Yay, ita!
The migraine terrorists can fuck off and die.
I'm glad you are able to make your party.
Krav those migraine terrorists, dammit! Good for you, ita.
In the email message that accompanied the gift I gave my brother, I wrote a really bad (and I mean really really bad. My almost 5 year old nephew could do better) stupid variation on the birthday song (involved telling him he belongs in a zoo.)
Anyway, he started laughing so hard when he read it, I couldn't understand him. It wasn't that it was clever, it was that it "was so pathetically bad!"
I'm oddly proud of this. Mainly because it made him laugh.
Go ita! And maybe you'll have the post-drinking migraine free tomorrow.
I need cookies. I don't have any cookies. (Don't feel sorry for me. The reason I don't have cookies is because I ate all the cookies I baked last week.)
However, I do have ice cream to eat snuggled in front of a blazing fire, because it snowed! The SO & I have a personal tradition we established the first year we were married where we eat ice cream to celebrate the first snow of the season.
This morning when the SO was driving in from NM, it was pouring down rain. As soon as he got here it turned to snow. We're supposed to get three more days of it. Good for the trades here; it's a tourist town. Phoenix & Tucson residents in the summer and skiers and snowboarders in the winter.
You & your SO are adorable, Liese.
It's funny, we're in a bit of a drought here, but it doesn't tweak me. Maples still green, mostly. Reservoirs still have water, just low. However, hearing that the west is finally getting some wet is like, so huge. I'm programmed as a desert dweller. A drought here means things are a green with a tinge of brown. Where I come from, it means things are brown or on fire and water rationing means the difference between working taps and not. And the reservoirs are empty and you can see the buildings that were abandoned when they dammed the valley.