So, was csi new this week?
It was. I didn't think much of it, but I hope your On Demand gets fixed.
My knee jerk reaction to push presents is: shouldn't that money be going into a college/orthodontia/medical bills fund? Which I try to tamp down because other people's financial arrangements are so none of my business and if having a shiny bauble of some sort makes the not sleeping and everything else that goes with the new baby a bit easier to handle, well, why not?
Good luck getting home and to the party pain-free, or at least pain-diminished, ita.
More FNL: I love seeing
Coach Riggins again at the gymnastics meet. It's this whole other side of Tim that we don't get to see much. (Yeah, confident, knowledgable Tim.)
Locks of hair don't work, do they? Don't you need flesh?
Hair is a poor source of DNA, and it would never be anyone's first choice as a source, but it can be done. Last summer a team used improved techniques to isolate DNA from Mammoth hair, and it set off a sort of gold rush of seaching through old drawers in museums looking for hair and feathers of extinct species.
My opinion on push presents is that anyone who'd rather have jewelry from her husband rather than, say, him changing diapers and taking care of cleaning and cooking for the first few months should probably just have the nurse hand the baby directly to Social Services. It'll work out better for everyone that way.
Odds are, anyone getting diamonds for labor is going to have a nanny to hand the baby off to...
Don't they want that bit of skin that sometimes comes off with the hair? (When they do dna tests. You know, on tv shows.)
I've been watching my new MSCL dvds slowly and one of the things that I noticed this time that NEVER struck me before is the resemblance between Graham and Jordan.
Don't they want that bit of skin that sometimes comes off with the hair? (When they do dna tests. You know, on tv shows.)
It's much easier if you have that. The DNA in the shaft of the hair is fragmented. It's partially destroyed. That's why it's not your first choice as a source. But if you extract enough bits and pieces of the fragmented DNA you can line the fragments up next to each other, find the places where they overlap, and reconstruct the whole sequence. It's laborious and unreliable, but it can be done.
I've been watching my new MSCL dvds slowly and one of the things that I noticed this time that NEVER struck me before is the resemblance between Graham and Jordan.
I think that was a happy accident of the casting, but as the show went along they realized what they had and totally used it. There's a great shot in a dream sequence in one of the last episodes, possibly the very last, that's just beautifully, horribly perfect.
A housefilk is essentially a filksing at someone's house. Basically, people getting together to sing and talk, and snack.
Why is it that when I'm NOT home the postman leaves packages at my doorstep but when I am home he puts them in the mailbox? (Meaning that they are really, really cold when I get them.) Does the temperature of the cd matter when you play it?
Also, why can't the other people who live in this building remember to shut the damn door to keep the cold out?
Does the temperature of the cd matter when you play it?
If the CD is cold enough to have moisture condense on it, it's too cold to play. But being a thin piece of plastic, it should warm up quickly.