O frabjous day! My loving and funny and sweet nephew, who was supposed to go into basic training for the Marines right after Christmas, failed his physical. He has a bad knee and they turned him down flat. He was devastated, but the rest of the family is overwhelmingly relieved.
the lord works in mysterious ways. or the ~ma :)
So who here was reminded by the media that today is Pearl Harbor Day? Who didn't know (and was not reminded by the media)?
I didn’t think about it until the radio news guy announced the date, like he does every day. He said ‘today is December 7” and I mentally added “a day that will live in infamy”
Skinny jeans, not really. Less flared. More striaght leg. But not skinny to the point of hipster-80s-pegged like I've seen on models and in magazines.
Likewise, I have embraced highER waists--not worrying about exposing my entire ass when I sit down is lovely. But high waists? Only for Go Fug Yourself.
I see the skinny jeans all over the place here, and can even envision wearing them, except it would mean a shitload of new (black) shoes. I could with an inch or two higher waists too, meara. That TNG tuck is way old.
Almost done reading Jane. I feel very weirded out.
It might get up to 40F here today -- meltage!
I can bring you more magazines, ita. But if they are going to weird you out, I best not. You almost got Glamour with Jennifer Garner on the cover, except it looked too much like Cosmo.
Oh man. WHY am I awake?
Kat, I swear bits of the magazine weren't for real. "i swapped my clothes with my girlie/tomboy co-worker for a week" "Bad things happen in Darfur" "Eva Mendes is kinda fun" "Sex positions we thought were okay" "Use lip plumper for pert nipples."
Am i really that out of touch? Onto the next mag...
ION, Jodie Foster apparently thanked her partner in some acceptance speech.
Also, why did I wake up at my work day time this morning? That's not right. So I've already made blueberry muffins (Jiffy) and coffee and am considering going back to bed to finish my book.
Yes! That's the one I was thinking of.
I think women's magazines are more insidious than men. Maxim's very up front how you'll never have that girl/body/car, but isn't trying or dreaming fun? Women's magazines seem to be more straightforward with the whole $1450 turtleneck thingy.
I love it. I feel like an anthropologist on a field trip.
that's why mags are fun! do you want more?