Not looking forward to the rest of the afternoon...
It's Annabel's Christmas pageant. Daycare closes at 3:00, pageant starts at 4:00. This means there's an hour where the staff is doing set-up and so on where it's just half-costumed kids and their parents milling chaotically around the church next to the center where the pageant will be held. It's the longest hour in the world, I swear, trying to keep your kid entertained and out of trouble until the thing actually starts.
The Voice of Bitter Experience says: If you've got the time off available to you, take it! Get out getoutGETOUT!
Oh, believe me. I would use every bit available. Sadly, we don't get sick days.
Oh, JZ, I would absolutely extend your official last day a week and kill a week of sick time, if your boss is on board.
Scrappy, that's great news!
I am having a crap day on crap toast with crap on the side.
Getting out of the school will help. The freshmen have their first exams ever in a week and a half, and they're freaking out. The tension in my classes is not fun. I'm going to sneak out of here after this last class and invest in some nappage when I get home.
Anyone have a sonicare? like it?
Trudy, I have one and LOVE it to pieces. My teeth have been cleaner, with less tartar and my dentist commented on it the last time I was in for a cleaning.
My mom's cousin used to do all her son's homework when he was a kid. She tried at one point to get me to do his work for him (he's my age) but I turned her down. I was 12.
Gud, good luck to Leif! I hope he enjoys public school.
Gud, good luck to Leif! I hope he enjoys public school.
Yes. Also that he has fun storming the castle.