The Atheist's Guide to Tragedy.
I am interested in this chapter!
We have been without internet at work all week. We now have the perfect storm. Work piled up from internet being gone, mortgage rules changes that go in effect today, national conference next week and a big event the weekend we get back.
I have decided to cease to care and just let the sea take me.
I have decided to cease to care and just let the sea take me.
Don't go into the light, Daisy Jane!
Parents writing papers? Mine would drive me to the library to do reasearch (though that ended when I got my driver's license). And if I had to interview an expert in something or other for a school assignment, they'd arrange for me to talk to a suitable friend or co-worker.
Once I got to college? Forget it.
Christ, will this day never end??
Mine did, rather abruptly, when I got sick and then went home.
Maybe that's not what you meant though.
Home from company holiday lunch.
Very full. Sleepy.
Mine did, rather abruptly, when I got sick and then went home.
You know, I have to say, while that sounds like the end of a
day, it does not sound like the end of a
day. If you see the distinction.
I've been goofing off and playing games on my computer.
Mine did, rather abruptly, when I got sick and then went home.
I'm trying to decided whether to stay all day. I feel fine, but I feel like my occasional (albeit hacking) cough is not making anyone very happy--even though I have no other cold symptoms and am being extremely vigilant about not touching anything not in my cube and washing my hands constantly just in case.
The English Majors I've known would tear someone like that to shreads without as much as a second thought.
No kidding. Being able to structure a paper is the same skill as being able to give a talk, and for that matter it also employs the skill you need to analyze a passage orally in class. How is this kid getting by in her classes? And how has she managed to completely avoid any timed/no notes final exams?
My mother taught me how to write an English paper, when I was a junior in high school. 20 years later, when she was finishing her master's degree in history, I attempted (at her instigation) to edit a draft of her thesis; this proved to be a disastrous mistake. (She can dish it out, but boy, she can't take it!)
I feel fine, but I feel like my occasional (albeit hacking) cough is not making anyone very happy--even though I have no other cold symptoms and am being extremely vigilant about not touching anything not in my cube and washing my hands constantly just in case.
The Voice of Bitter Experience says: If you've got the time off available to you, take it! Get out getoutGETOUT!