you have a very peculiar food processor...
Seven layer dip is a tragic waste of sour cream.
I need to bring something to a party. Everyone else is bringing desert. Said something needs to live in my office fridge for the day before I take it. I am open to suggestions.
"Woods Hole believes they have the right to insist on a belief in evolution"
As I understand it, Woods Hole did not insist on any kind of belief. They insisted that employees working on papers based on biological research place the results in the theoretical context that is currently supported by all of the data in biology.
Look, I don't have to endorse Communism in order to write about it. I can write about Tito's Yugoslavia and how reflects the diversity of 20th century Communism without being a Communist. But if I am so opposed to Communism that I refuse to dignify it by mentioning it in a paper, then I can't do my job as a researcher at "Big Name Institute for the Study of International Communism."
As I understand it, Woods Hole did not insist on any kind of belief. They insisted that employees working on papers based on biological research place the results in the theoretical context that is currently supported by all of the data in biology.
You don't have to like broccoli! You just have to cook it properly according to the stated recipe.
I need to bring something to a party.
Spinach dip! It's stirring, not cooking.
Spinach dip you say... it IS the healthy bunch that I'm taking it to.
Wish I could find a way, other than "veggie platter" to bring the neat-o fractal broccoli.
Trudy, since this seems to be my week for giving food advice, buy the following:
• 1 package of Knorr vegetable soup mix
• 1 bag of fresh spinach
• 3 green onions
• 1 package fresh dill
• cumin powder
• 16 oz. sour cream
• 1 round loaf of King's Hawaiian bread
Chop spinach, onions, and dill. Mix in bowl with sour cream and vegetable soup mix. Liberally dust top with cumin powder and mix to taste. Refrigerate for 2+ hours before serving. Hollow out bowl-shaped hole in bread loaf, pour dip in. Serve with chips and pieces of bread removed from loaf.
Best way to eat cauliflower -- steam until very very tender (some would say mooshy), then throw in a food processor with milk/cream/butter/sour cream, and perhaps some garlic or your seasoning of choice, and process until very creamy. With the seasoning, it's virtually indistinguishable from mashed (actually, whipped) potatoes.
And quite tasty.
You could probably eat rocks and woodshavings prepared like that.
I'm just saying, if a person feels the need to take in the nutrients/etc. that might be exclusive to cauliflower, and dislikes any other way to prepare it, turn it into fauxtatoes.
Hip-Hop explained by graphs.
Okay, that is hysterical!
I broke my eyeglass frames by rolling over on them in my sleep. The lenses are fine. I have glued them together.
Also, my wallet is not in my purse (although I am pretty sure it is at home
This is not the best day
I'm just saying, if a person feels the need to take in the nutrients/etc. that might be exclusive to cauliflower, and dislikes any other way to prepare it, turn it into fauxtatoes.
I am not harshin' on the recipe! It sounds fantastic.
This is not the best day
Absolutely not.
day would have all of those things happen and then pre-lame Spike show up and make you do naughty things.