You know what, I would really really love to see the exact wording of the Playboy sexual harassment policy. Like, they're a big corporation, so I know they have one; but, I mean, their whole business plan relies on "Could you jiggle a bit more?" and "Which shot should go on the cover, the naked one or the other naked one?"
What constitutes a welcoming work environment at Playboy? OMG, new-hire indoctrination has got to be hilarious!
Oh, man, shrift, that sucks. Though, yes, "difficulty personalities" is possibly a clue that you dodged a bullet there. And now that I think about it, the other Buffista who is an ex-employee never seemed to miss it once she was gone.
I will not buy playboys in protest.
I have been proactively protesting Playboy's failure to hire shrift since
14 years before she was born!
Derrick's Jamaican Cuisine and Catering had the best reviews.
Mapquest is being a total bitch.
Are you in Westwood, ita?
I'd imagine the huge majority of Playboy employees have the same sorts of policies we do. Get a small company in the Valley whose business is porn and I think you'd be hard pressed (npi) to avoid it.
Derrick's is good, Allyson, but way out of your way. You really shouldn't. (yeah I'm in Westwood)
I bet Playboy has a hi-LARIOUS set of first-day orientation videos.
I wonder if it'd be like Bizarro-orientation video...
" Narrator: Let's watch Tom as he interacts with his co-worker Destinie...
Tom: Nice honkers, Des!
Des: (tee hee) Thanks, Tom!
Narrator: Way to go, Tom! Now let's watch Dick and Marge...
Dick: You're kinda...flat-chested, you know?
Marge: Bite me, scrote-licker.
Narrator: Who was in the wrong in this scenario? That's right...Marge. After all, this is Playboy and she should have boomin' bazongas and not be all defensive feminist in the workplace.
Boss: You're fired, Marge!
Marge: Aw, fuck this place!
Narrator: Welcome to Playboy! And have a Bazonga-licious work experience!"
That's what she said.
OK, so our "huge" budget issue was the result of one person making an incorrect assumption, and never running it by the people who could have corrected it. I swear to god, this fucking place.
ISTR talking to someone who worked at Playboy who had a similar experience as what MM describes. But I don't remember well.