I'm sorry, shrift. Their loss, seriously.
Consider that people didn't feel quite as inclined to pamper and protect children from the harsh realities of life back before the Industrial Revolution, when said harsh realities included "You'll most likely die of some infection before you reach adulthood, but if you're lucky you'll get to work like a drafthorse for 30 or 40 years, cold, dirty, and hungry all the while."
I have no issues with the source material, at all. I'm just boggled why Disney would take one story with a sad ending, tart it up and make it happy and put the other on on the disc without making it at least a little less depressing.
Aw, shrift, sorry about those Playboy fools! They couldn't handle the fact that your porn is better than theirs.
Adding to the congrats for Jilli! The news is made of gothy awsomeness.
Bummer shrift.
I'm sorry you did not get something you wanted but, on the other hand...when people say things like 'difficult personalities' in an interview process, you gotta believe them. That's like code for "Godzilla runs the HR department and your officemate would be a slime demon who hums the Farmer in the Dell all day and...don't be in the office with her after hours...I don't want to say you'd have been eaten exactly...and in a definitely unfun way...but that's why we are filling this position now."
Besides, one viewing of The Girls Next Door or whatever that cringefest is called, leads me to think that asylum is run by the inmates.
Sad now, shrift.
My Nightmare Before Christmas duffle bag/suitcase arrived today. It is AWESOME.
ma~~~ to ita
sorry shrift, they missed a good one
my keyboard is misbehaving
Definitely their loss, shrift, but a new and better opportunity will come knocking in the fullness of time -- you're a good worker, and the cream will rise to the top, in the long run.
ita, strength to you!
When Nilly stops by again, let her know that LibraryThing now works in Hebrew!
I will not buy playboys in protest.
Too bad, shrift!
I just inserted myself into a budget issue that has nothing to do with me, just because my boss was freaking out SO BAD, and I can actually read a spreadsheet. Christ. Then she (boss) was dithering about all the other stuff she has to do, so finally I told her to go do some of it while we wait for other people to gather other information related to the budget issue. That's managing up, right?
Big old SUV on fire outside my building.
We're right above it, looking six floors down at the flames saying things like "if its a car bomb it won't get us here, right?"