(so I can have v. cold moldable icepacks)
Medicinal peas. Though I am going with the blocky one for rubbing (ouch!) and the gel for the plain icing.
And wishing I had vodka in the freezer for the rest.
Can't we just give goats?
I would deGrinch if I could do this.
Why do I keep reading stuff by Christopher Hitchens? I know it's just going to piss me off.
Christopher Hitchens is a fucking idiot.
ION, I tivoed
You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown
which Emmett has never seen. After Charlie Brown got to the final round of the spelling bee and lost on the word
Emmett noted: "It sucks ass to be Charlie Brown."
Though he amended shortly after that: "Snoopy is so awesome. He is a genius dog."
My parents want me to have a new portrait taken as their gift. I just got around to making the appointment for that.
I received my first Christmas card of the season today. I haven't even bought mine yet.
So this is the first year Franny's really been aware of Hannukah as a holiday. She's all into the candles. Not that we are doing candles as such; this year, as last year, we're using a Hannukah menorah puzzle to mark the nights. So not kosher I know, but much less likely to lead to fire when Isaac starts to poke at it.
yay! Jilli!!!! Awesomecakes.
ion: gronk. brrr. gronk.
Huh. Two-hour delay again. I'm not sure why, but I'm not going to look this gift horse in the mouth.
Do wish I'd made more coffee, though.
You know what I like about showers? When you've put the shampoo in your hair and let it rest for a few minutes, which makes it cool off some, then you duck your head under the hot hot water and you can feel the trickles of the suds washing out. That's a lovely feeling.
In regard to the question about hypnosis, I tried it - had two sessions with a hypnotist to try to stop stuttering. I'm a very bad subject for hypnosis, it seems. I don't relax well.
Sue, your big tree is beautiful! and in the picture, your wall looks like you've painted it with clouds. The kitchen tree is cute! Last year I didn't go to my mother's for Christmas and a good friend - a REALLY good friend - sent me a tabletop "tree"; basically, a styrofoam cone in a bowl with sprigs of greenery stuck into it, a garland of gold cord with big gold jingle bells on it, and the most adorable mini-tree skirt ever. It made me very happy.
My family's ornaments ... we had some from my mother's childhood, some we'd acquired over the years, some I'd made (truly ugly ones). These days, I often make ornaments or buy nice ones for presents ... which, considering the tree's about 30" high, means there are a number that don't get put on the tree.
And Hil, about those menorah lights ... did Jilli or Cass have anything to do with the design? (snerk)
Now, I know that *that* isn't normal, but now that I live with The Boy, I'm freezing all the time. I'm sure I need time to adjust, but before I beg him to turn up the thermostat, I don't know what's a reasonable daytime and sleeping temperature. He's been keeping it at 65 or so during the day, and 60 or 62 at night.
We will have the thermostat at 65 when we're home, 58 when we're not, and 60-62 overnight. Since it's a programmable thermostat, we set it for 68 about an hour before we get up in the morning and that works out OK.
We also have a gas stove in our bedroom that we'll let run for a while before going to sleep with the door closed, and that does a nice job of keeping things warm locally without wasting a lot of energy.
We have a Wii and it is Teh Shit.
Also, I've also been commenting at Shapely Prose lately! I love that site. I think I found it from a comment here by Kathy a couple of months ago.