Not without a buzz saw. It's basically a solid wood daybed frame and back with rattan sides, nailed and glued together. Ultra-sturdy, so it'd have to be cut apart and then rebuilt rather than just reassembled, and I lack the carpentry skills to do it without ending up with firewood and cushions.
On the bright side, a co-worker is interested in it for her basement game room. So I can be sure it goes to a nice home and will feel much better about giving her a bargain basement price than some stranger.
I need ita. How long do I ice and then how long off before I re-ice?
I like that couch, Matt.
Sometimes I think my life is fodder for one of those point-and-laugh tragic-comic sitcoms.
Then I realize it's way too boring for that...
I only got an ipod last xmas! Also from the parents.
Sigh. Some people, rather than using the kind of menorah that uses candles, are a bit more authentic and use a kind with little bowls for oil. This, of course, is sometimes kind of messy, to pour the oil into the little cups each night. So there are a few companies that make pre-filled little cups, that you just place into the cups of the menorah and remove the cover.
There was a new brand last year. Made of PLASTIC. So, yeah. You light the oil inside, and soon, the plastic melts. Depending on the design of your menorah, this could send flaming oil dripping onto your table or carpet. These were, of course, recalled.
Seems they're back again this year. New label, but obviously same product.
OK, seriously? That's so wack!
I am having SUCH a "what is WRONG with people?!?!" day.
Hil, that's awful.
So I just turned on the tv and there's this guy yelling "Root! Root! Gotta get the root!" and you know what I thought. Except he was yelling "roof."
Yeah. The safe ones, the cups are made of glass. Apparently, the new packaging actually labels these ones as glass, but if you pick them up, you can tell that they're too light to actually be glass.
I have no Wii. But I also have little desire, space, or cash for one.
Cass, ice 15-30 minutes, then off for 24 hours according to docs I've heard. Though you could do 15 minutes ice, 12 off.
Matt, I think they have that same couch at Cost Plus World Market, and IIRC for less money. ETA: [link]
Not much less money, but depending on what's near you it might be better. Or worse. I'm done here now.
I just signed up for WiiAlerts, in case one goes on sale near me....