I will chime in in my capacity as a person who has written approximately 500 articles and web pages about setting your thermostat.
The standard "normal" temperature is 72. Utilities recommend setting the temperature at 68° or lower during the heating season. Your heating costs increase about 3 percent for each degree above 68. Aside from the whole caulk, seal, insulate routine, one of the better ways to save money is a step-back thermostat, which turns the heat down during the day when you're gone and back up before you get home. You can also set it to be cooler in the middle of the night. Brenda, it sounds like that's what you have. Usually it gives you a number of time slots that you can program.
I have the thermostat set at 68, but that used to be a little cold for me. Now I'm pretty happy if there's not actually ice forming.
I love it when I'm reading another blog/discussion board and recognize a Buffista! IOW, I was going to wave at you, JZ, over at Shapely Prose, but decided to say "I saw you!" over here.
Kathy, heee! Did you see Sophia a few posts before you?
We're all slowly but surely delurking
There are down booties. There are cashmere layers. There are lap-blankets.
I live in TEXAS. It's currently 75 degrees outside. It seems silly to me to have to invest in multiple wardrobe items to be warm in my own house.
Really? That's great! I found SP through Shakespeare's Sister when Kate started posting there, and I'm loving her/their posts.
Skipped seven zillion posts.
Happy ????? !
(Let's see if that worked.)
t edit: nope, didn't work, it seems. Shoulda been "Happy Chanukah!" in Hebrew. Oh well.
I get too cold if it's below 68 inside. And that is with layers of socks, hoodies and blankets. Trying to keep my hands warm is a constant battle. I'm usually either clutching a mug of coffee or tea or sitting on my hands. Reynauds blows.
My landlord must've received some complaints because it's been much warmer in my apt than in past years. It used to be 67/68 during the day (68 is the legal requirement). Right now it is 73.
One of the best presents my DH ever got me was an electric blanket that I curl up under on the couch while watching the telly. The layers of socks and sweaters helped keep the cold out, but never made me feel warm like that blanket does.
There are jello shots and garland in my big bosses office.
I'm a little concerned about the apearance of the hallway tomorrow morning.