Poll time!
For people who live in a part of the country that experiences 4 distinct seasons (basically, I'm thinking, WINTER as seen on TV), what temperature do you keep your thermostat at when you're home (1) and awake (i.e., doing normal home stuff -- reading, loafing, cooking, working, whatever), and (2) asleep?
I lived in an apartment for 7 years where I didn't regulate the heat, and because of where in the building my apartment was located, it was a blast furnace in the winter. I quite seriously left windows cracked open in below-freezing temps, and only wore short-sleeved shirts, and slept with just a top sheet (which often got kicked off).
Now, I know that *that* isn't normal, but now that I live with The Boy, I'm freezing all the time. I'm sure I need time to adjust, but before I beg him to turn up the thermostat, I don't know what's a reasonable daytime and sleeping temperature. He's been keeping it at 65 or so during the day, and 60 or 62 at night.
That seems low. Is 70 unreasonable during the day? I have no frame of reference any more, after living in the blast furnace for 7 years.
So I turn to you, oh my Buffistae.
I need to go there! Co-workers and I have all been talking about it since we moved our office to Culver City. Need to make it happen.
We do 68 during the day if we're at home, then turn it down to 60 before we go to bed, though we kept it a bit warmer when Annabel was a baby.
Who here has been hypnotized? Was it fun? Freaky?
I've never been hypnotized, but I have hypnotized a few dozen people. From my side it was very clinical, neither fun nor freaky.
teppy - he's obviously related to my DH. and my mom. with no sense of cold.
68 or 69. But when the temperature drops, the house gets cold and takes a while to heat up again.
Oh, and also - [link]
He's been keeping it at 65 or so during the day, and 60 or 62 at night.
This sounds pretty close to how I'd like it. Maybe a little chilly depending on how accurate your thermostat is. (And, more importantly, where it's located in relation to the boiler! In my current building, the thermostat is right next to the boiler...in the cellar. There are vague plans to move it, say, inside, but nobody really knows when it's going to happen.)
(1) and awake (i.e., doing normal home stuff -- reading, loafing, cooking, working, whatever), and (2) asleep?
I keep my at 18 (66) through the day, and 15 (60) at night. But my rads run warm and it's usually a couple degrees more than that. But NB, I am notorious for keeping a cold house, and I have to turn up the heat when I have company.
I think 68-70 is consider normal room temperature.
PS, Even at 15, I often wake up in the night because the heat kicks in and I am too warm, but I am afraid to leave the thermostat lower in winter because of the pipes.
Glad you asked, Steph, because I'm trying to figure that all out myself. I like it pretty chilly at night, but during the day I'm finding at least 68 seems right.
He's been keeping it at 65 or so during the day, and 60 or 62 at night.
My dad just convinced me to turn mine way down and so I've been keeping it at about 62 when I'm not home and at night and at about 68 when I'm feeling chilly. Although last night I was FREEZING and turned it up to 65 for overnight.