Is it still msbelle and mac day? Happy Day!
Kathy- When I had trouble with falling asleep on the sofa, I moved my bed into my living room. I really quite love it.
Remember last week, how I had the mouse? Well, I have caught THREE mice in covered traps so I do not have to look at little mouse bodies. I feel like I am killing refugees. I do not like it. But I can't live with 600 mice in my house, so I did it.
They've just declared liberal leave. Huh.
My meeting proved more interesting than expected. Because THEY ARE INSANE.
Expect me here, crying, from about, oh Feb '08 - Nov '08. After which I might explode.
It's the kind of movie where the plot only makes sense if the two male leads are star-crossed lovers.
there is a LOT of fic out there with those two.
Does Paul Walker do it for you, Susan?
Hmm. Not quite. I think I'm bumping up against the fact that "modern hot actor" and "young Regency Adonis" aren't quite matchy things. It's not a big deal, though. This character is a relatively small part of the collage I'm putting together.
sarameg, your employer is sounding more and more like my employer every darn day.
Sooo... what's Jeff doin' these days? He seein' anyone?
He's a lawyer in Manhattan. Had a Hot Chick on his arm at our Ten Year.
The only explanation for this is that snow makes Baltimorons even stupider: [link]
When I came in at NINE, it had just started in the city. Roads were dry. It isn't supposed to be more than 3 inches BY 8 PM. Thus, I think many saw their first snowflake and proceeded to bash their heads against the ground until they lost half their IQ. And then they got into their cars.