I just had an enormous chocolate chip cookie, courtesy of the Doubletree. We don't even do much business with them, and yet? Cookies for everyone!
I don't understand why I am so tired and cranky. It makes no sense! I should totally take Friday off. Or something. Grump grump grump.
I want a cookie!
Wait, we have cookies, courtesy of the insurance guy.
t waits for boss to leave kitchen so I can go on a cookie run
I don't understand why I am so tired and cranky. It makes no sense! I should totally take Friday off. Or something. Grump grump grump.
It must be something in the air. I totally grumped at my chiropractor for calling me Susie, when I misheard him and he had actually called me Susan. I had to go back and apologize.
Thanks for all the images, y'all--that gives me something to work with, though none of those guys have quite the quality of sweetness I have in mind for this character. He's sort of this dumb, innocent kid (18 years old) caught up in events beyond his control, and he pretty much idolizes both my warrior characters, and his tragedy is that he tries so hard to be like them when it's not who he was meant to be.
I often wish I could take a photo of the images in my brain. Or, you know, draw anything more advanced than a stick figure.
I'm starving. I'm a hungry hungry hippo. Where's Seymour? He needs to feed me
I love it when shrift gets whimsical.
I just had an enormous chocolate chip cookie, courtesy of the Doubletree
yeah, I stayed there once, and was pleasantly surprised to get a fresh cookie when I checked in.
Does Paul Walker do it for you, Susan?
That's one of the nicest things about staying at a Doubletree. Hampton Inn's occasionally give fresh cookies too. At least the one in Provo, UT did.
Oh man. I'm reading the Mayo Clinic site. That just makes prone to hypochondria!
I love it when shrift gets whimsical.
Enjoy it while it lasts. I'm sliding down the slope into hangry land, and the beatings are going to continue until some bacon gets in my belly.