Happy mac & msbelle day!!
A friend (with whom I tried it for the first time a few years back when we stumbled across it at the Sunset Grill) managed to find it at the suburban location of one of those big stores on Harvard Ave in Allston (I think it's another Marty's, but it might be a Blanchard's).
Sunset Grill! Marty's! Hey, wasn't Marty's the liquour store on the corner of Harvard & Comm Aves. that burned down? (and then was rebuit) My boyfriend's apartment was right next door and the firemen came through their apartment to get to the roof of the building to fight the fire (resulting in a scramble to HIDE THE WEED!). ah college nostalgia!
ION, my coffee is extra delicious this morning. mmm creamy!
Happy Familyversary msbelle and Mac!
I have a meeting scheduled from noon to 3 p.m. today and we're all hoping it's actually finished by 4 p.m. I prayed for a snow day today, but Snow Miser denied me.
Happy msbelle and mac Day!!! (My boss, who has adopted 2 girls from Guatemala, calls the day she met her daughters "Gotcha! Day" and also "Family Day.")
Proof that buffistaness is in the genes.
How did she get so big?!? It's unpossible!
My Christian Celtic punk band did a cover of "Three" years ago and it's a classic in my house.
The above sentence pretty much epitomizes why Liese (and her SO) KICK ASS.
We call Gotcha Day the day our case got through court and it was legal - that is in November.
Anyone know of any actor/athlete/etc. types who are young, blond, and handsome in a pretty-boy, not-too-bright way? This year the man-paper for my RWA Christmas party is turning into a collage of my WIP, and I've got not one but two actors apiece for my two bad-ass warrior male leads (one is Nathan Fillion with a touch of Sean Bean, the other Alexis Denisof with a trace of Christopher Eccleston), but I'd like to find someone to represent my pretty boy 19th century cabana boy who dies at the end of Book One.
Susan, how about Ryan Carnes? [link]
I love the idea of Gotcha Day. Happy msbelle and mac-iversary!
So, Noah, bless his heart, woke up at 3:00 AM. But wasn't fussy or mad or anything else. I only got him out of the crib because I was already up with insomnia. I fed him some and put him back in the crib. Where Little Man remained, nary a complaint, awake with his mobile and his stuffed animal for entertainment until 5:30, when K and I woke up again and got him.
Chris Carmack does have that Hi, I'm Beefcake! look down.
Though he still looks disturbingly like the central casting version of my high school friend Jeff.
I've got to stop falling asleep on my couch and staying there all night. It gives me a crick in my neck and doesn't get me completely rested. At least getting up early meant that I was able to get my laundry done this morning and clean the six inches of snow off my car before getting in on time.
Now, I just have to hope that they don't need me at the bookstore tonight (I'm on call, which means I have to call in two hours beforehand), so I can finally put up the tree that I meant to put up last night but slept instead.
Though he still looks disturbingly like the central casting version of my high school friend Jeff.
what's Jeff doin' these days? He seein' anyone?