I could probably go for 2 months with the amount of underwear I have. (Serious underwear culling issues.)
Okay, I am here to say that I have an Xmas ornament addiction. My tree is a full foot taller than last year's, it's almost full of ornaments, and I still have a whiskey box full of ornaments and a few smaller boxes I haven't even opened yet. I need help!
Is this week's, (meaning last Thursday's) Supernatural new, or a repeat?
I, um, have a thing from my days living abroad and not having access to laundry as frequently as I had days of underwear (like, 6 weeks. I really had issues with poor students scrubbing the shit out of my underthings on freaking washboards for a pittance.) I got into the habit of washing the previous day's underwear every day. It's much more, um, clean, than many of the crappy washers I've had to deal with and, well, I never run out of clean underwear.
At least I handwashed my shirts,skirts and sweaters? It was only the jeans that I left for the washboards.
I do laundry every 2 weeks.
repeat, Sue. it's new next week.
THANK you. I was starting to doubt myself.
It's more like Ana-COST-ya.
I had even more of the ee sound in my head, but yeah.
Secular Christmas is perfectly legitimate!
In the words of a very wise woman, "Different people like different shit."
We have a Sick Day Bank. I think you only have to have collected 10 sick days in order to join.
It's very snowy here. Kind of nice. It started pretty much as I was leaving work and hasn't stopped since.