I don't know if we have a cap on sick leave. Regular vacation, yep, but I'm pretty good at using that up. Main contract gets 5 wks/year (ptui!) and some of those folk end up doing all sorts of weird schedules to avoid losing accrual (you can't cash in vaca for $ to burn it while an employee. But if you quit/leave, you do get the $. So it makes sense to avoid losing accrual. It's losing $$!)
I could *totally* find a way to use up 5 weeks/year vacation!
Yeah, we have people who hit the 320 hr vacation max accrual. I'm never close.
I get three weeks vacation, and I think we can carry over our annual amount (i.e., three weeks for me), so that shouldn't be a problem unless I stay for ten years. Which I won't.
I just made peanut butter cookies, but instead of doing the fork cross-hatch thing I mashed a miniature Reece's peanut butter cup into the center of each one.
Analysis: yum
We can go over 320, I think. I used to know this when I was more bitter about the differentials between contracts. Now I'm just resigned.
I don't know how much vacation we can accumulate. We can carry over 5 days to the next year, but we can put more in an accumulative account.
Okay, dig this. Those aren't scale models. Those are real, taken from helicopters. Makes me think further about the flaws when scale models are used to fake real size.
There's a technique for taking normal pictures to make them like scale models (or manipulating them in photoshop.) If I can find a link, I will.
Microbrew prices are about to go up like WHOA due to the hop shortage and malt/grain price increases- I fear that spending $10+ for a sixpack will soon be the norm. More than that, I fear that the insane ingredient price increases will put a lot of small breweries out of business.
Our microbrew six packs is already there, thanks to all our taxes.
You better get pregnant ASAP, Strega.
...And suddenly I feel reconciled to letting all that sick leave go unused.
Well, you really don't want to get hit by a bus or anything!
I got my Xmas tree tonight. It's dry as a bone, but it was only $30 delivered for a 7 foot tree, so I don't care if it's bald by new year's.