I don't even want to think about how lame a universe without The Gay would be.
I am so out of it. After reading all this gay Khan stuff, I went back to work trying to fix a report. So I was trying to figure out why the EstAtCompAmt field is Null. Except I was thinking to myself, "Why is EstAtCompAmt gay?"
So last night, I went to see No Country for Old Men, which was amazing, but pretty bleak and disturbing. Then i get home and there are no lights on at my house. None. The power is out. Which, after seeing that movie, kind of freaked me out. I sat in the dark for a couple of hours contemplating the nature of evil. Not exactly a fun night. But finally the power came on, and I got to see Project Runway Canada.
I think I set my alarm wrong when I reset my clock last night and I woke up at 7:51. My bus gets to my stop at 7:58. Despite my valiant efforts (and some Swearingen level profanity) I did not make it out the door until 8:01. Thankfully no one noticed me being 10 minutes late on my second week of work.
My alarm seems not to have gone off this morning. Fortunately, my considerate cat went ahead and bit me at 6:30, so I was okay. Thanks, vicious beastie!
She likes school and it has greatly reduced the tension between daughter and mom. OTOH, school is easy for her. The principle has set up a deal with the school librarian where Emaryn can go off to the library to work on a project if she finishes her work in class early.
That all sounds really positive! I was never in a gifted program or anything, but having teachers who were flexible like that made a huge difference.
Seriously, Noah called me earlier and he was all, "Dude. The new chick is SILLY."
And I was all, "I know, but what are you gonna do?"
And he was all, "Seriously."
And then he said, "Dude, gotta jam, she's coming back."
That all sounds really positive! I was never in a gifted program or anything, but having teachers who were flexible like that made a huge difference.
Her principle is pretty great. I'm not really fussed about the gifted program.
Aren't Sarameg and Noah on different coasts, or is my Buffista geography totally off?
I think Sarameg might be visiting for Thanksgiving?
I was momentarily confused because I was thinking of Noah Bennett, the HRG on Heroes.