"This Side of Paradise"?
Fo shizzle. Also the one where the Federation wants to commandeer a planet before the Klingons do, and the inhabitants are supremely unimpressed. At least the story shows Kirk to be stupid on that one. He should have left those flower sniffing Sandoval potheads alone.
skipping madly - I'll figure out what the numbers stuff is in a sec - but moms is babysitting today, and I can hear her downstairs, laughing her butt off (in a church-ladyish way, of course Sparky), while Iris is napping. What's she doing? Reading my copy of Allyson's book.
we do know Faith's but I'm damned if I remember how we know or what it is.
I used to have to stop reading fanfiction when the author made Faith's last name "Winters". I'm not saying I would read it now, but it doesn't seem to come up!
Faith's last name is often listed as Lehane, but I'm not sure if that's official.
Plus they had legitimate grievances.
Yes! The Federation was so mammalcentric.
Faith's last name is often listed as Lehane, but I'm not sure if that's official.
According to IMDB, it's LeHane. But, I'm not sure if IMDB counts as canon, since I think that IMDB members can update character bios.
I'm 46306. Not having heard the story that went with this, I'm trying to guess the number 1 name. My guesses have been numbers 2, 3, and 4. Narrowing in!
t eta
Der. I just misread the obvious result. I figured out #1, too.
did you SEE me shock my cousin wordless? I did!
My last name comes in at 32-12. That right there? Why I hyphenated. Two common names equal one slightly less common name.
Hey, I'd love to get comments on my latest website photo shoot. Not sure if they are adequate. Do I come off as approachable and as someone trustworthy-competent?
This is a 'speaker' photo.
They are all pre-'shopped.
I like the attitude of this one but OY, the ruddy cheeks and oddly different colored teeth are of the unattractive.
This one might be thefuture book jacket photo. But is it too...um...I don't know...squishy?
And this one is what my clients see from the 'couch'.