Very interesting.
Married name - 300
Full Maiden name - not on list
Shortened Maiden name - 11,676
My maiden name was 14 letters and 2 hyphens. Much of my family just uses the first piece and that is what came up as 11,676 out of 55,000. Kinda amazing.
Hey, man, captains of space stations don't count.
GF initially told me DS9 was about a garbage barge. HAHAHAHAHA!
A big lizard guy who sounds like a cross between a leaky steam pipe and a constipated pirate.
Aw man. People need to stop picking on the Gorn! I heart the Gorn. Disco-ball eyes and all.
watched too much Star Trek last weekend. Captain Kirk is a prick. Just pissing in everyone's lemonade. Can't deal with people being happy.
Hm. "This Side of Paradise"?
TWO hyphens! That is hard core!
Aw man. People need to stop picking on the Gorn! I heart the Gorn. Disco-ball eyes and all.
Plus they had legitimate grievances.
Maybe. Although a court of law would probably have been a better place to resolve the issue instead of a fight to the death. But obviously not as entertaining.
OK, I never watched DS9 so I really shouldn't say anything....
He had a ship! Eventually.
That was Quark.
Hahahahahaha! Sending that link to GF like right now!
Simpson= 142, Bouvier=13211, Skinner=531
Sadly, Wiggum does not rank at all.