I was in the car with my whole family last weekend following an adult skateboarder as he slowly made progress down a residential street in my neighborhood, in the middle of the lane so one couldn't go around him.
Next cuss word my daughter comes out with will be "dumbass," I am sure.
Northern Buffistas...
I am on a quest for the warmest boots ever that are not hiking/ski type boots. I am thinking of buying a bright pink down jacket, so I the boots could be brown/black or tan, I think. I have never really had boots that kept my feet warm and were comfortable to walk in, and they are really, really needed now that I am taking public transportation. Any suggestions?
Do you need something that could be worn in the office, or would these be "winter boots" only really worn for the outdoors part?
Also, how did the teeth thing go. Did that happen yet?
I would change boots when I got to work, but I still want to look halfway decent with a shirt and legwarmers.
Re: the teeth thing, I was thinking of sending you an email to tell you about it. It was Monday, and it was not bad, but a little worse than the dentist seemed to think in terms of being able to eat. I didn't have any pain that advil couldn't take care of, but now, 4 dyas later, I am really just beginning to be able to eat things that I need to chew. The actual procedure, however, took about 15 minutes or less!
legwarmers? Is it a fashion thing or a warmth thing?
I had a pair of striped black, white and grey ones when I was in the 6th grade. I loved them. Good times . . .
Sophia, how about these [link]
I've tried them on and they are comfy and warm.
I have a pair of Naturalizer boots that I love - they're lined with fake fur, waterproof, and look enough like regular shoes that you can get away with wearing them inside.
I'm contemplating buying some Uggs for this winter. Not sure what the fug factor is on them but I think they look very comfy.
Kids had PB&J and I had a leftover taco salad. We seriously need to go to the grocery this weekend. Before we moved I cleaned out the pantry and donated a lot of my fall-back foods. Restocking the pantry has been low on the priority list.
legwarmers? Is it a fashion thing or a warmth thing?
Warmth- It can get really cold in Rochester and I wear skirts every day. When I wear a coat that is long enough to cover my calves, it is a pain in the ass to organize it and my fairly large body and my bag on the bus so that I am not taking up two seat! So legwarmers seem to work!
Sophia I would look at both Lands End and LL Bean. They both have some shearling things like Uggs and some dressier ones that look like the ones Robin linked, as well as some things that are just plain like [link]