happy birthday, sumi!
saw the freaky walking luggage.
took the quiz - got Kucinich, But There are others I'd be happy with. Just because I think we should have left the war weeks ago doesn't mean I think that that is practical. and there was no place to say -hey - that's important to me , but I don't really expect a politician to agree with me. and there are a number of places where that is the case.
So I sent an email to someone this afternoon about some upcoming travel plans. She typed out a response. Which she then sent to my father with a request to forward to me since she...didn't have an address.
t scratches head
Happy birthday, Sumi!
I always think about meeting you for the first time. Which was you spotting us in the street in Chicago and saying, "Are you Buffistas?"
Which we were. Then you came to lunch with us.
ION, Barry Bonds has been indicted on four counts of perjury during the BALCO Grand Jury.
My favorite perspective-giving quote is from a Wall Street financier who said, "If your problems don't have the word 'inoperable' or 'indicted' in them, then they're not as bad as you think."
Well, he's indicted now, so he's in some deep shit. This will bum Emmett out.
I have a nephew a couple years younger than Emmett who I'm sure is really upset about it. They were at the game when he broke the record.
The laundry basket chasing the ball was hilarious.
The walking luggage was freaky but very cool.
I'm caught up with Natter for the first time in weeks!
Hey, Lee!
I offer Trunk Monkey for your Friday viewing pleasure. (For everyone, not just Lee)
A few more here.
This morning I'm totally Gronkified. It's not even amusing. More and more it looks like I should increase my dose of Celexa back to where it was...
I always think about meeting you for the first time. Which was you spotting us in the street in Chicago and saying, "Are you Buffistas?"
I think about that and wonder how I knew. . . I mean, you guys could have been random streets of Chicago axe-murderers.
Luckily you were Buffistas.
My friend M sent me a package that was on my doorstep when I got home. Isn't that perfect?
It was a tin of what is surely delicious hot cocoa (the tin is adorable) and a signed copy of Tim Gunn's book!!!