I got Kucinich and Dodd, neither of whom I'd consider voting for, but then Obama. Those quizzes almost never reflect my actual views, because they isolate a few issues which may or may not be the ones that are really important to me (and don't give any option for, "I'm not sure how I feel on that issue because I can see both sides"), and don't really factor in any kind of big-picture assessment of whether or not I think the candidate in question would be effective in the role.
Type "The End" at your current stopping point.
Bam! Finished document!
Ah, if only it were that easy.
Man in India Marries Dog As Atonement
Anyone else picturing Michael Vick honeymooning with a pissed off pit bull?
matched me with Kucinich
Me, too. I did get Obama above Hillary.
Ah, if only it were that easy.
"Rocks fall, everyone dies"?
What I'm really inclined to do is just label the crappy sections Coworker A's part, Coworker B's part, etc.
Also, I just booked my flight for Christmas and it was more expensive than I would have hoped, which is annoying!
Blarg, stooopid fire drill. I have WORK TO DO.
In getting ready for the holiday season, here are some wreaths hanging on the doors in Colonial Williamsburg. Beautiful designs!
I got Kucinich. Not. Shocked. Will probably vote for him or Edwards in the primary.
Type "The End" at your current stopping point.
Freaking brilliant! I'm going to start doing this at all the dumb assed meetings we've been having lately.
"Ok. So just to get started-"
"The End!"
"I'm sorry DJ, did you have something first?"
"Nope, last. THE END. Bye!"