I was hungry when I got home early from my training thing, and then I ate too many tortilla chips, and now I don't want to eat the hamburger I took out of the freezer, so it will probably go bad per usual. Either that, or I'll be hungry again by 8 and will eat it then.
I dunno... I am far, FAR more confident of my ability to articulate scathing disdain in the written format than in the spoken, where grasping for an angry "So's your mom!" is far too likely in the heat of the moment.
Salon also has an article today defending the guys who are trying to publish the Harry Potter Lexicon. Clearly, the writer of the article hasn't read fandom_wank.
Thanks, guys. I'm a perfect cube age now!
No, no, perfect is next year.
I dunno... I am far, FAR more confident of my ability to articulate scathing disdain in the written format than in the spoken, where grasping for an angry "So's your mom!" is far too likely in the heat of the moment.
I usually have already practiced a few either in my head or on other people. I'm not entirely off the cuff bitchy.
I'm not entirely off the cuff bitchy.
Awwwwww. Say it ain't so.
Only once, and with what ended up as a legendary insult amongst my friends with references to both Jonathan Swift and my 10th grade Geography teacher.
I'm going to put it out there that people can generally be more articulate in print, but you can't get the full effect of a hearty "fuck you" without actual spittle.
That there is wisdom, Jesse.